Get Cheap Accounting Assignment Help-D & T Trueblood Case Advanced Accounting Spring 2018
Get Cheap Accounting Assignment Help-D & T Trueblood Case Advanced Accounting Spring 2018
D & T Trueblood Case
Advanced Accounting
Spring 2018
The assigned Case 15-3 is entitled “Big Islands Amusement Park” and has been posted in a subdirectory under ASSIGNMENTS on Blackboard. The professional authoritative guidance governing the case is FASB’s ASC Topic 280, Segment Reporting.
For SEC guidance you might examine Current Accounting and Disclosure Issues in the Division of Corporation Finance, Part II (J), U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, March 4, 2005. Located at
You can access the FASB’s Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) through the website of the American Accounting Association (AAA). The URL for the AAA website is: Rutgers is a registered user of this system.
Relevant dates pertaining to the case are as follows:
Monday, Mar. 26 Case 15-3 – Big Islands Amusement Park will be posted on Blackboard.
Thursday, Apr. 19 Your written case report will be due in class.
Format and Grading of Case 15-3 – Big Islands Amusement Park
Grading of group projects will be based largely on content, including: (1) identification of important economic and accounting issues, (2) application of the relevant professional literature, (2) depth of analysis and discussion, and (4) logic and persuasiveness of your alternatives and ‘final solution.’ Organization, writing style, and understandability of the report will also be evaluated and encompassed in your grade. The report should consist of approximately five, typewritten, double-spaced pages, excluding relevant quotes from ASC Topic 280, which should be single-spaced. The report should also include a cover page.
Organization of the case can be broken up into parts:
SUMMARY: This part should be approximately one-double-spaced page, and include a brief synopsis of the case, the decision(s) faced by management, and key features of the case. It should not include your solution.
ACCOUNTING DISCUSSION: In this part you should identify and quote
relevant provisions of the accounting authoritative pronouncements as they relate
to the case.
ALTERNATIVES: In this part you should present “plausible” alternative solutions for each of the first two required research questions. For each alternative you should utilize relevant provisions of ASC Topic 280 (identified above), apply them to the facts of the case, and provide persuasive evidence in support of that alternative.
FINAL SOLUTION: In this section you should provide the “best” solution among the alternatives for each of the first two required research questions, and briefly state why you arrived at that conclusion. Here you should also answer the third required research question. You need not provide multiple “alternatives” to question 3 – just provide your solution.
Sample Case
To aid in organization of your case, a sample Trueblood case, Case 94-9 – To DiscOp or Not to DiscOp: That is the Question, and the “official” solution for this case has been posted on Blackboard. The sample case can serve as a rough guide to the format you might use.
Student Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Den members to produce a unified group case that reflects the work of all group members. If, despite group efforts, a particular student (or students) does meet with the rest of the Den and contribute in preparation of the case, they will receive a zero on the Trueblood case.