Good proposed schedule.
Broad criteria | Unsatisfactory | Satisfactory- Good | |
Business report: style, fluency, persuasive | Max Marks = 1 | Max Marks = 2 | |
language with assurance and precision in the | Lacked clarity. Spelling and | Some clarity evident, however | |
business report. | grammatical errors evident | work would benefit from closer | |
throughout. Work would benefit | attention to expression and | ||
from proof reading. Submission | grammar. Submission attempts to | ||
does not apply a business report | apply a business report structure to | ||
structure to its presentation. | its presentation but areas for | ||
Report items 1-4: Develop and provide an | Max Marks = 5 | Max Marks = 7 | |
introduction to the plan by explaining its | Knowledge of principles and | Demonstrates some knowledge of | |
purpose and importance. The risk appetite and | concepts of risk management | principles and concepts of risk | |
risk tolerance for the company; Create an | insufficient to communicate | management and is able to | |
outline for the completed risk management | intelligently about the topic. | communicate this. May lack some | |
plan; Define the scope and boundaries of the | Lacks clarity. Most responses | clarity. Most responses were | |
plan; Develop a proposed schedule for the risk | were very general with minimal | general with some understanding | |
management planning process. | or no little understanding of risk | of risk appetite and risk tolerance. | |
appetite and risk tolerance. | Scope, boundaries complete but | ||
Scope, boundaries is | lacks discussing evidence of overall | ||
disorganized, incomplete, or | risk management assessment. | ||
lacks in evidence of overall risk | |||
management assessment. | |||
Report items 5-6: Identify the key roles and | Max Marks = 5 | Max Marks = 7 | |
responsibilities of individuals and departments | Knowledge of roles and | Demonstrates some knowledge of | |
within the organization as they pertain to risk | responsibilities with respect to | roles and responsibilities and is | |
assessment; Develop a proposed schedule for | risk assessment insufficient or | able to communicate this. Lacks | |
the RA process. | weakly communicated. Overall | some clarity in defining roles. | |
lacks clarity. Most responses | Response to schedule for RA | ||
were very general with minimal | process may be missing some | ||
or no little understanding of how | points.. | ||
to run RA process. | |||
Report items 7-8: Carefully audit the case, | Max Marks = 5 | Max Marks = 7 | |
undertake an inventory and identify | Knowledge of principles and | Demonstrates ability to synthesis | |
information assets that includes both, | concepts insufficient to | and apply core concepts and | |
Cornersea’s most significant business | communicate intelligently about | principles. Addresses most of | |
information, and the information systems | the topic. Lacks clarity. Most | requirements and provides some | |
that must be accounted for in any approach | responses were very general | examples, demonstrating analysis | |
to risk management. Identifies information | with minimal or no examples | and organisation of assets, threats | |
assets and systems of organisation most at | relating back to the case assets, | and vulnerabilities with good case | |
risk; Identifies and provides an analysis of | threats and vulnerabilities. | context presented. | |
the threats and vulnerabilities that pose the | Analysis is disorganized, | ||
greatest concern. (Identify 6 top risks) | incomplete, or lacking in | ||
evidence of asset, threat and | |||
vulnerability assessment. | |||
Report items 9-10: Presents likelihood and | Max Marks = 5 | Max Marks = 7 | |
impact analyses for the threats and | Understanding of likelihood and | Demonstrates evidence of having | |
vulnerabilities identified. Prioritises risks and | impact analyses is not | understood core concepts and | |
presents a risk assessment table | demonstrated. Lack of | principles for likelihood, impact | |
understanding of what should be | analyses and approaches to | ||
contained in a risk assessment | assessment. Core materials are | ||
table and no other substantial | understood and capacity to | ||
approach to evaluate or | synthesise is shown but report does | ||
prioritise the material value of | not extend itself to a clear | ||
assets or the effect of threats or | demonstration of mastery of all | ||
vulnerabilities is shown. | important concepts. | ||
Referencing and use of guidelines, standards, | Max Marks = 1 | Max Marks = 2 | |
frameworks and additional readings: | Either did not provide an | Provided a minimum of references | |
Demonstrated rigor of use of resources with | adequate list of references OR | from credible sources standards, | |
supporting references | included a bibliography instead | guidelines, frameworks Created a | |
& adherence to Harvard | i.e. not all references were cited | reference list but with significant | |
Guidelines | in the body of the report or vice | errors/omissions. Did not strictly | |
versa. Demonstrates very little | adhere to Harvard guidelines. | ||
evidence of having read core | Provides some evidence of working | ||
materials. Minimal or no | with sources but could improve | ||
evidence of research to support | analysis of sources. | ||
responses. |
Additional feedback comments:
Very Good
Max Marks = 2.5
Good writing style. Further development of expression and clarity will enhance the work. Additional focus is needed on the precision of your communication. Submission applies most elements
Max Marks = 9
Demonstrates sound knowledge of principles and concepts of risk management and is able to articulate this. Most responses were good with a good understanding of risk appetite and risk tolerance. Scope, boundaries complete but may lack some clarity in discussing risk management assessment.
Max Marks = 9
Demonstrates good understanding of the roles and responsibilities within organization and is able to articulate this. Most responses show a good understanding of how to conduct the risk assessment and has provided a relatively complete schedule.
Max Marks = 9
Shows sound knowledge of relevant principles and concepts. Additional focus needed on precision of assessment of assets, threats and vulnerabilities because some key elements that needed to be covered are missing. Case evidence is present but could be extended/ improved.
Max Marks = 9
Sound knowledge of principles and concepts. ideas are included in the work in an appropriate manner. Demonstrates thorough understanding of standards, guidelines and frameworks for likelihood, impact analyses and risk assessment, evidence of some critical thinking shown.
Max Marks = 2.5
Provides a good body of references and is working effectively with a minimum of credible sources, standards, guidelines, frameworks. Reasonably structured reference list. May not strictly adhere to Harvard guidelines but good use of references in report.
Max Marks = 4
Excellent writing style
demonstrating precision in the
clear use of language and
expression. Submission has applied
almost all elements of a business
report structure thoughtfully and
Max Marks = 12
Evidence of excellent
understanding of risk management
processes, principles and concepts.
Excellent understanding of risk
appetite and risk tolerance with
respect to case study. Scope,
boundaries complete and clearly
discussed with respect to risk
management assessment.
Max Marks = 12
Evidence of excellent
understanding of risk assessment
process, roles and responsibilities
with the context of risk
management and specific to this
case study. Good proposed
Max Marks = 12
Evidence of an exceptionally high
standard of work demonstrating
understanding, interpretation and
application of unit concepts and
principles. Shows understanding of
integral contexts & relationships
between assets, threats &
vulnerabilities and the case. Has
identified limitations ,
assumptions, challenges for the
analysis. Demonstrates evaluation
& critical thinking.
Max Marks = 11
Demonstrates breadth and depth
of understanding, shows insights
and awareness of many deeper
more subtle aspects of the topic
and, as result, integrates
standards, guidelines and
frameworks for likelihood, impact
analyses and risk assessment
extremely well. Expand on topics/
issues in the broader evaluative
Max Marks = 4
Provides good integrated use of
multiple credible sources (two or
more ) standards, guidelines,
frameworks brought together
effectively. Excellent work with
reference list clearly demonstrated.
Adherence to Harvard guidelines.
Demonstrates a breadth and depth
of study and preparation in well
chosen sources and their use.
Original Score out of 55 | 0 |
Score out of 25 | 0 |
Late deduction (# of days) = | 0 |
Final Mark (including deductions) | 0.0 |