High Reliability In Health Care – Long-Term Care
The Assignment:
In this Assignment you will identify major elements of high-reliability organizations providing long-term care. According to the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program (MBNQA), the criteria are as follows:
Strategic planning
Customer and market focus
Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management
Human resource focus
Process management
Business/organizational performance results
Using the Highly Reliable Organization Matrix, complete the matrix by typing in the elements which meet the criteria in rows and columns. Describe each element briefly, give an example as to how this can be met in a long-term care facility, and explain the expected impact on patient care.
Based on the results of the Highly Reliable Organization Matrix, write a 1- to 2-page executive summary to the board of directors of the long-term care organization, describing elements which meet the criteria from the matrix and how any missing elements of the criteria for excellence can be met.