
Chapter 3 Reading Assignment (Pages 40-65)

1. List all the vocabulary from Chapter 3 of the Week 3 Assignment sheet and write the definitions on a separate piece of paper. Attach the paper to the back of this assignment when you have completed it.

2. What is the title of the chapter?



3. Briefly describe in your own words what you expect to learn in this chapter based on the title:

3. Read the Overview section on page 40.

What are organic compounds?

What are macromolecules?

4. List each of the Concepts (Subtitles) found in the chapter restating the concept as a question.

Concept 3.1-

Concept 3.2-

Concept 3.3-

Concept 3.4-

Concept 3.5-

Concept 3.6-

5. Read most of Concept 3.1, stopping before “The Chemical Groups Most Important to Life”. Make sure to study all of the figures. Summarize below what main points that you have learned about carbon and molecules containing carbon.

6. Now read “The Chemical Groups Most Important to Life” and memorize the first two columns of Figure 3.5.

What is the importance of functional groups?

7. Read all of Concept 3.2 and then describe what a polymer is and how they are created and also how they are broken down.

8. Answer the first questions of Concept Check 3.2.

9. Read Concept 3.3 and explain below the difference between monosaccharides/disaccharides and polysaccharides in terms of structure and function.

10. List some common monosaccharides.

11. List some common disaccharides.

12. List two common storage polysaccharides and two common structural polysaccharides.

13. What is the difference between starch and cellulose structurally?

14. Read the introduction to Concept 3.4. What are the main points about lipids?

15. Read the remaining sections of Concept 3.4 and fill in the table below as you go.

Lipid Type






16. The most import thing about proteins is their shape (structure)! Read the title and introduction to Concept 3.5 and explain why the structure is so important.

17. What protein functions have evolved as a result of the structural variety of proteins? (Refer to Figure 3.16)

18. Read “Amino Acids” and study the figures. What are the general characteristics of amino acids?

19. What properties allow us to categorize amino acids? (Figure 3.17)

20. Read “Polypetides” and explain what a polypeptide is and what holds them together in your own words.

21. Read “Protein Structure and Function” and explain why structure is so important to the way a protein functions.

22. Read “Four Levels of Protein Structure” and study Figure 3.21. Then fill in the table below.

Level of Structure


Bond Types

(What holds it together?)





23. Build a model of protein. You can do this using any materials you want. For example, pipe cleaners, rope, beads on a string, play doe, clay, wire, etc. It does not need to be a real protein structure, but it should show the four basic levels of protein structure. Take a picture of it and attach here. (Feel free to bring it in and share with the class).

24. Read the rest of Concept 3.5. Describe the process of denaturation. What can cause this to happen? Is renaturation possible?

25. Answer Concept Check 3.5 question #1.

26. Read Concept 3.6.

What is the main function of nucleic acids?

What are they made of? (What are the monomers?)

27. Draw a nucleotide.

28. Read the Summary of Key Concepts and then complete Test Your Understanding questions #1-7.