A description of the core business of the company including full details of its operating activities.

You are an accountant at RSM Group Accountants & Investment Advisers. You have been approached by a group of investorsfor your professional advice on investing in Billabong International Limited.

Your client is a strong believer in supporting Australian made products and Socially Responsible Investing. The latter would mean adopting an investmentstrategy which seeks to consider both financial return and social good. Your client is also a strong believer in sourcing from ethical suppliers that maintain good workplace health and safety standards in their factories.


Please go to:


You +1’d this publicly. Undo

and access the company’s annual report for 2014.

Prepare a report for your client. Your report should include:

a. A description of the core business of the company including full details of its operating activities.

b. A discussion on any significant issues emerging from the Directors’ Report.

c. A discussion on the Corporate Governance Statement.

d. A calculation of the key financial ratios for 2014.

e. An overall evaluation of the company and your recommendation on investing in the company.

Please note the following:

· Format: Business report

· Contribution to overall assessment: 20%

· Length: 2000 – 2200 words

· Week 10 (27th May at 11.55pm in Turnitin)

· Your work must comply with the University’s General Guide for the Presentation of Academic Work.

· A useful link: http://federation.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/190044/2014-General-Guide-to-Writing-and-Study-Skills.pdf.

· This is a group-assignment. Each group needs to have 2 to 3 members in it. Please organise yourselves into groups.

· Please make sure that names and ID numbers of all group members are stated on the cover sheet of your submission.

As this is a group assignment, each member of your group is awarded the same mark. Working in groups has its pros and cons. I am sure that you will hold constructive and energetic discussions on the issues at hand. In case of any disagreements, you will be able to resolve them in a democratic and rational way. There will be times when you may have to agree to disagree with each other. Invariably different group members bring different skills to a project; it is up to you to make the best of it. I believe one can learn a lot by discussing the issues with one’s colleagues.

If you happen to find your group members are “not pulling their weight” or there are problems with any member’s commitment, then please try to resolve those issues amongst yourselves. Open and honest communication always helps. If you are unable to resolve these issues, you are most welcome to see me and we will try to sort out the problems together. Do this as soon as possible and certainly before the due date.

Thanks – Best wishes – Geeta

(Please modify this to suit your group).