Pathophysiology, Etiology and risk factors, Clinical Manifestations & Complications of Ebola virus Essay
Pathophysiology, Etiology and risk factors, Clinical Manifestations & Complications of Ebola virus Essay
Ebola virus Assignment Criteria
Assignment Criteria Points % Description
Introduction of disease 20 20% Provide a brief description of the disease/disorder. This part of the paper should not be limited to the definition of the disease. Include epidemiology as appropriate.
Etiology 20 20% Identify common causes and risk factors for the disease, to include age, gender, environmental, genetic, and lifestyle.
Pathophysiological processes 20 20% Describe how the disease begins by describing the cause and mechanisms of the disease that give rise to signs and symptoms. Remember pathophysiology should be on a cellular level. Include information on how the body attempts to overcome/correct the disease, if applicable.
Clinical Manifestations & Complications 20 20% Describe the physical signs and symptoms that are important in considering the presence of the disease.
Diagnostics 10 10% Describe common laboratory and diagnostic tests used to determine the presence of the disease. Provide information on significant findings for these diagnostic studies associated with the disease.
APA Style and Organization 10 10% The assignment should be a 2-3 page (excluding title and reference pages) typed paper and presented in APA format. This includes an APA title, page and references with in-text citations. Spelling and grammar will be evaluated with this assignment.
Must include at least two (2) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook.
Total 100 100%
Write a 2-3 page paper (excluding title and reference pages). Include the following information (also outlined in the grading rubric) abouttheselecteddiseaseprocess:
Introduction of disease
Etiology and risk factors
Pathophysiological processes
Clinical Manifestations & Complications
Provide a reference list in APA
A minimum of two (2) scholarly, primary sources are
Given the nature of the research, current literature (within 5 years).
Introduction of disease (20) Provides a one-paragraph description of the disease/ disorder and is not limited to the definition of the disease. Includes complete description of the disease epidemiology.
19-20 points
Etiology (20) Identifies ALL of the following: common causes and risk factors for the disease including age, gender, environmental, genetic, and lifestyle.
19-20 points
Pathophysiological processes (20) Comprehensively describes the cause(s) of the disease and the disease mechanisms that give rise to signs and symptoms.
Comprehensively describes processes at the cellular level and information related the body’s attempts to overcome the disease.
19-20 points
Clinical Manifestations & Complications (20) Comprehensively describes the physical signs and symptoms that are important in considering the presence of the disease.
Comprehensively describes significant and common complications associated with the disease if left untreated.
19-20 points
Diagnostics (10) Comprehensively describes common laboratory and diagnostic tests used to determine the presence of the disease.
Comprehensively describes information on significant findings for these diagnostic studies associated with the disease.
10 points
APA Style and Organization (10) • References are submitted with assignment.
• Used appropriate APA format (6th ed.) and are free of errors.
• Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.
· Paper is 2-3 pages, excluding title and reference pages
· At least two (2) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided
10 points
Pathophysiology, Etiology and risk factors, Clinical Manifestations & Complications of Ebola virus Essay