NURS 6560 mind term exam questions and answers

NURS 6560 mind term exam questions and answers

Question 1

S. is a 59-year-old female who has been followed for several years for aortic regurgitation. Serial echocardiography has demonstrated normal ventricular function, but the patient was lost to follow-up for the last 16 months and now presents complaining of activity intolerance and weight gain. Physical examination reveals a grade IV/VI diastolic aortic murmur and 2+ lower extremity edema to the midcalf. The AGACNP considers which of the following as the most appropriate management strategy?
C. Begin an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
D. Surgical consultation and intervention

Question 2

An ascending thoracic aneurysm of > 5.5 cm is universally considered an indication for surgical repair, given the poor outcomes with sudden rupture. Regardless of the aneurysm’s size, all of the following are additional indications for immediate operation except:

A. Comorbid Marfan’s syndrome
B. Enlargement of > 1 cm since diagnosis
Question 3

Jasmine is a 31-year-old female who presents with neck pain. She has a long history of injection drug use and admits to injecting opiates into her neck. Physical examination reveals diffuse tracking and scarring. Today Jasmine has a distinct inability to turn her neck without pain, throat pain, and a temperature of 102.1°F. She appears ill and has foul breath. In order to evaluate for a deep neck space infection, the AGACNP orders:NURS 6560 mind term exam questions and answers

C. White blood cell (WBC) differential
D. Aspiration and culture of fluid

Question 3

Jasmine is a 31-year-old female who presents with neck pain. She has a long history of injection drug use and admits to injecting opiates into her neck. Physical examination reveals diffuse tracking and scarring. Today Jasmine has a distinct inability to turn her neck without pain, throat pain, and a temperature of 102.1°F. She appears ill and has foul breath. In order to evaluate for a deep neck space infection, the AGACNP orders: NURS 6560 mind term exam questions and answers

A. Anteroposterior neck radiography
C. White blood cell (WBC) differential
D. Aspiration and culture of fluid

Question 4

Mr. Draper is a 39-year-old male recovering from an extended abdominal procedure. As a result of a serious motor vehicle accident, he has had repair of a small bowel perforation, splenectomy, and repair of a hepatic laceration. He will be on total parenteral nutrition postoperatively. The AGACNP recognizes that the most common complications of parenteral nutrition are a consequence of: NURS 6560 mind term exam questions and answers

B. Resultant diarrhea and volume contraction
C. The central venous line used for infusion

Question 5

Mr. Mettenberger is being discharged following his hospitalization for reexpansion of his second spontaneous pneumothorax this year. He has stopped smoking and does not appear to have any overt risk factors. While doing his discharge teaching, the AGACNP advises Mr. Mettenberger that his current risk for another pneumothorax is:

A. 90%
Question 6
One of the earliest findings for a patient in hypovolemic shock is:

A. A drop in systolic blood pressure (SBP) 1 minute when sitting up
C. NURS 6560 mind term exam questions and answers
D. Hemoglobin and hematocrit (H&H) < 9 g/dL and 27%

Question 7
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernias present in both acute and chronic forms. Patients with a more chronic form are most likely to be present with:

A. Respiratory insufficiency
C. Bowel obstruction
D. A

Question 8
The AGACNP is managing a patient in the ICU who is being treated for a pulmonary embolus. Initially the patient was stable, awake, alert, and oriented, but during the last several hours the patient has become increasingly lethargic. At change of shift, the oncoming staff nurse appreciates a profound change in the patient’s mental status from the day before. Vital signs and hemodynamic parameters are as follows: NURS 6560 mind term exam questions and answers

BP 88/54 mm Hg
Pulse 110 bpm
Respiratory rate 22 breaths per minute
SaO2 93% on a 50% mask
Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) 1600 dynes ∙ sec/cm5
Cardiac index 1.3 L/min. NURS 6560 mind term exam questions and answers
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) 8 mm Hg

This clinical picture is most consistent with which shock state?

A. Hypovolemic
B. Cardiogenic

Question 9
When counseling patients to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications, the AGACNP knows that with respect to smoking cessation, the American College of Surgeons and National Surgical Quality Improvement Program guidelines are clear that patients who stop smoking _____ weeks before surgery have no increased risk of smoking-related pulmonary complications. NURS 6560 mind term exam questions and answers

B. 4
D. 8

Question 10
Mitch C. is a 39-year-old male who is brought to the ED by paramedics. According to the report of a neighbor, Mitch was distraught over a breakup with his fiancée and attempted to commit suicide by mixing some chemicals from under his kitchen sink and drinking them; afterward he changed his mind and knocked on his neighbor’s door asking for help. Mitch is awake but stuporous, and the neighbor has no idea what he drank. Visual inspection of his mouth and oropharynx reveals some edema and erythema. He is coughing and has large amounts of pooling saliva. Mitch is not capable of answering questions but he appears in pain. Endoscopy reveals full thickness mucosal injury with mucosal sloughing, ulceration, and exudate. The AGACNP knows that the appropriate course of treatment must include:

A. At least 6 hours of observation in the emergency department
C. Aggressive fluid resuscitation

Question 11
Jared V. is a 35-year-old male who presents for evaluation of a dry cough. He reports feeling well overall but notices that he gets out of breath more easily than he used to when playing soccer. A review of systems yields results that are essentially benign, although the patient does admit to an unusual rash on his legs. Physical examination reveals scattered erythematous nodules on both shins. There is no drainage, discomfort, or itch. Additionally, diffuse, mildly enlarged lymph nodes are appreciated bilaterally. Results of a comprehensive metabolic panel and complete blood count are within normal limits. Twelve-lead ECG reveals sinus bradycardia at 58 bpm. Chest radiography reveals bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. The AGACNP suspects: NURS 6560 mind term exam questions and answers