P1 And P2

Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument .A paragraph with no more 100 words .

Stephen Miller

1 posts

Re:Topic 4 DQ 1

Good morning class and professor,

When creating a vision, one must have a clear idea of what they are trying to visualize. By doing this one can include the desires and wants that one is going to see through to the end. The stronger the desire the more one is going to want to reach the goal. But the most important thing to remember through this process is to keep things as realistic as possible. It is one thing to dream big, but the dream needs to be realistic because if it is not than there would never be a chance for this to become a successful venture. The best thing to do would be to start with an idea, see the success that this brings and then be able to see the dream grow from the location that it begins to the point that it will be in the end, or along the road. There are many aspects in the process of creating this dream or goal through the aspect of occupational alternatives. Prioritizing a list of ideas and utilizing the overall goals that one is trying to reach. Through this process, there will be many changes that will come across, but keeping the main goal in the frame of mind that is realistic and ultimately creating a final idea throughout the decisions that are made. Follow the gut reaction of how one is feeling along the road because this will allow for a better understanding of the process, and to be able to make better choices along the way. By setting a goal, one is able to seek out better or more realistic ideas to reach the ultimate goal that one is going to be trying to reach. An effect goal setting allows one to take control of life, or the process of which one is working with. Keeping a positive attitude along the way will allow for the success throughout the accomplishments or the ability to seek out the ultimate goal. Having a positive attitude rather than a negative attitude will ultimately control the way that things get done and believing that this can become a success, the more one believes, the more the ability to reach the goal to succeed will be seen. When looking at the aspect of an educational objective one needs to realize that there are endless possibilities out there pertaining to the ability to reach the goals that one is trying to set and seek out ways to reach these goals. In a personal sense, seeking out the way to create a path towards getting one’s bachelors in a field that one finds to be interesting, one must plan a path in which they will be able to be successful. The most important thing to remember here is that when choosing a field of a study one must have a clear idea of what their career objectives will be. By getting bachelors in psychology one would be able to utilize this information that is learned into many different fields of study or work-related jobs that one is seeking.

Stephen Miller

1 posts

Re:Topic 4 DQ 2

Good morning Class and professor,

Having a clear understanding of who we are will allow for us to continue down the road of life and be able to seek out new roads that we are going to want to be traveling. Having a clear understanding of how important a specific work-related aspect is to one’s life and happiness that it will bring. When someone is working in a job that they enjoy doing, there will be further happiness in their life, because they have a desire to go to their job. However, if someone is working a job that makes them depressed or having a lack of interest in the job, then the person will be less likely to want to succeed in what they are doing. The other aspect that needs to be utilized is the specialties that one has within their life, because this will allow someone to seek out a job that they are so choosing to allow for the ability to succeed. Although each work location is different from another, this just means someone has to work harder at what they do to be able to seek out the happiness that one is seeking. The analyzation of the different aspects of a career choice will ultimately allow someone to know whether or not they will be happy in the location that they are seeking. By identifying this aspect, one will realize that they are going to happy in one location rather than another because of the happiness that it will bring. Having the desire to be on location of their job allows for more happiness to be found in their personal life.