
Chapter 3 Application Exercise 1

Visit the DME coding system (DMECS) website at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Review the DMECS guide
Explain the purpose of the DMECS, its uses, and users
Include the results of searching on replacement socket and HCPCS code L8000
Chapter 4 Application Exercise 1

Access the NDC-HCPCS crosswalk
Locate the HCPCS code J2997
Identify the NDC codes for J2997
Find the NDC Label for Cathflo activase. Search the Internet for the official site for this drug. Locate the billing FAQs
Answer the following questions
Is the configuration of the NDC codes HIPAA compliant? Why or why not?
How can the same HCPCS code have different NDC codes?
What NDC code is provided in the FAQs?
Assignment Guidelines

You have the choice to write a two-page paper double spaced or create a multimedia presentation to respond to the exercises
Clearly label your response to each exercise in your submission