Identify A Crisis And How A Leader Can Use Emotional Intelligence To Handle It.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the concept of identifying, assessing, and developing an awareness of emotions to enhance social relationships. Do a keyword search on the Internet on emotional intelligence, and read a few articles on the subject. Based on your research, think about whether EI is a requirement of effective leadership.

To complete this section of your Action Plan, include the following:

Identify a crisis scenario. Create a role-play scenario of how a leader can use emotional intelligence to handle a crisis or conflict situation. You may research a crisis event, such as a product recall, oil spill, or natural disaster and create a crisis scenario.
Next, choose 1 of the following attributes explained in the EI theory, and identify how it plays a role in leadership during times of crisis:
Social awareness
Relationship management
Then, write a synopsis of 300–500 words of why EI is important in leadership. Explain how the attribute you selected helped resolve or mitigate the crisis situation you identified.
Finally, write a response of 500–600 words, or produce a short video of 3–5 minutes on how leaders should handle a crisis situation using emotional intelligence. Include an explanation of the ways in which crisis situations can be averted and managed using EI.
Please provide APA citations and references to support your work. Videos should be submitted in .wmv, .MOV, or .MP4 format and embedded in the Word document.