Revisit the various nursing and/or management theories you have studied in the program. Select at least one nursing theory and one administration / management or organization theory that complement each other.

American Nurses Association. (2009). Scope and standards for nurse administrators.
Washington, DC: American Nurses Publishing.
Harris, J.L., Roussel, L., Walters, S.E., Dearman, C. (2011). Project planning and management:
A guide for CNLs, DNPs, and nurse executives. Subury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Chapter 1 and 2
Refer to all texts and resources used in the graduate nursing program to include core and specialty courses.
here is a couple of books used in this program as well from last semester. – American Nurses Association. (2009). Nursing Administration: Scope and standards of practice. American Nurses Association: Silver Spring, Maryland.
Borkowski, N. (2016). Organizational Behavior in Health Care ((3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Shortell, S.M., Kaluzny, A.D. (2006/2012). Healthcare management: Organization design and behavior (6th ed). United States: Thomson/Delmar Learning.

Meets Course Objective
6. Assess ability to function in the role of a beginning nurse manager/executive.
7. Advance the practice of nursing administration with professional behaviors reflective of autonomy, intellectual independence and curiosity, and accountability.

1. Assess ability to function in the role of a beginning nurse manager/executive.
2. Advance the practice of nursing administration with professional behaviors reflective of autonomy, intellectual independence and curiosity, and accountability.
*Upon completion of this week the student will be able to define their personal theoretical and philosophical beliefs as they relate to the managerial role.

3. Revisit the various nursing and/or management theories you have studied in the program. Select at least one nursing theory and one administration / management or organization theory that complement each other.

4. Develop and post an approximately 2 page description of your personal management philosophy based on your exploration of nursing and management theory. Support your philosophy with relevant citations from the literature (minimum of four). Post in the discussion board labeled Personal Management Philosophy.