Turbine engine failure

Turbine engine failure
File name: project_instructions_0712
SFTY 375 Instructions for Project 2
Please review the following instructions for Project 2. If you have questions about these directions, please go to the Online Office and start a new thread with the Subject Project Directions. Post and submit your message, then check back later for answers.
Please note that Project 2 must be related to accident investigation for turbine engines.
You must address five areas for each project; each area is described in more detail below.
1. Project Selection
2. Content Focus
3. Format Options
4. Length and Size (as applicable)
5. Professional Scholarship
Project Selection
Students and instructors alike come from varied backgrounds and environments. Interests are different, as well as educational backgrounds and career experiences. For this reason, the project for this assignment can come from many areas. However, the project should be relevant to the subject matter and must be approved by the instructor.
Ideas for a project might include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Development of a Guide to turbine Engine Accident Investigation for Project 2.
2. An in depth analysis of a Case Study presented by the instructor
3. Comprehensive review of an accident related to reciprocating engines
4. Review and discussion of an NTSB accident report
5. Choose a different specific topic that is related to reciprocating engine accident investigation such as component failure analysis, component life cycle analysis, internal engine failures, component failures, bearing failures, spectrometric oil analysis programs, propeller systems, and so forth.
6. Any other specific topic that related to turbine engine accident investigation for Project 2. Keep in mind that any project approved must contain an element of research outside of the materials presented and should be of sufficient depth and scope to show a college-level understanding of the topic.
File name: project_instructions_0712
Content Focus
Focus on causes, findings, and recommendations that relate directly to engine systems, operations, components, material defects, or malfunctions.
Demonstrate an understanding of the investigative techniques and procedures presented in this course.
Show evidence and logic to support your statements and conclusions. Give citations of your sources.
Conclude with a comprehensive summary that ties the entire project together and links the project to the course goals and outcomes.
Format Options
The format of your project can be any type that you have the skills and “know how” to prepare. The format MUST be approved by the instructor. You must fully meet the content requirements and be able to upload your presentation or provide the link to it in the Assignments area of the course site. For example, if you choose to do a paper or PowerPoint, you will submit it using the activity link, but if you elect to create a video, you will need to upload the files to YouTube or some similar site if it is too large to email to the instructor. Then you will need to submit the URL using the same activity links because they link to columns in the Grade Center in Blackboard. So, you may document an application of propulsion plant investigation with a paper in PDF or DOC, html Web page, a video, PowerPoint, audio “radio” program, investigation report — any format of your choosing, as long as you can meet the content and technical requirements.
If you choose a project with demanding technical skills, you need to be “on your own” in handling the technology. The purpose of this course, as you know, is to focus on propulsion plant investigation, not on teaching you the technical requirements for various presentation formats. But if you have those skills, and you wish to use them, please do so.
For your project, no matter what format you choose, also submit a list of references that you have used, following the APA style requirements for how to list such references. For example, if you interview someone, there is a particular way to cite that person and date interviewed; if you use a report from the Web, the APA style guide shows how to list that kind of reference, too; if you use textbooks or articles, those also should be cited according to the APA style guide.
Length and Size
If you do a paper, make it 5 pages of narrative, from introduction to conclusion, with the title page, abstract, and table of contents. (Graphics, charts, tables, and the list of references are considered separately, and not part of this page count. This suggestion of 5 pages, assumes double-spaced, Times New Roman typeface with a size 12-point font.)
Professional Scholarship
While you are not held to exact standards, such as APA format on all materials, you are expected to use a professional style in your project. Do your research. Use facts, evidence, and information. Avoid unsubstantiated claims. Cite your sources. Use your own words to express ideas with language that has correct spelling and punctuation. Remember, the projects are going to be submitted to the SafeAssign database to be checked for plagiarism.
Approach your project as if you are a professional who must complete a responsible report that will shows critical thinking about accident investigation and that will inform others about how to prevent future accidents.