Explain and Analyse why nurses need to be accountability for own action.

Explain, define, analyse why responsibility can be shared but accountability can not be shared.

Define RN definitions of a nurse

Find definitions here:

ANFM- Australian nursing and midwifery federation
APRAH boards

Define accountability

Is accountability and responsibility the same? Explain


Why RN’s SHOULD be accountable. Explain and Analyse why nurses need to be accountability for own action.

2000 words

References within 7 years. APA6th

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What is your definition of wellness, health and illness
Remembering the four concepts that guide the development of a nursing
philosophy, describe your nursing philosophy. Make sure the following
addressed in your written presentation:
a. What are characteristics of a nurse in your philosophy?
b. What is nursing (how do you define nursing)and how do you see nursing care being delivered?
c. What is your definition of wellness, health and illness?
d. Who constitute a client in nursing? In other words define client as it relates to your philosophy.
e. Discuss your philosophy from a global, cultural and local aspect. This should be an integrated discussion as you define and discuss item a, b, c and d.
f. How has your educational journey at college impacted on the development of this nursing philosophy?