Media Annotation Assessment

NURS1131: Complex Care Nursing – written assessment

Part 1: Media Annotation tool

Use the following time frame template analyse clip (add extra times if necessary)

Time sequence code comments
0-30 seconds

30 – 60 seconds

60 – 90seconds

90 – 120 seconds

120 – 150 seconds

150 – 180 seconds

180 – 210 seconds

210 – 240 seconds

NB – the cells in the table can be expanded as much as necessary to fully answer / comment

Part 2

Once you have completed part 1 you need to identify the research to provide evidence to support your comments and recommendations made for improving performance

You are expected to search for evidence in journals available via the RMIT library.

There are many journals with research into BLS and ALS so try and use these rather than a website (although the ARC website does provide reliable information as well. Examples of journals available via the library include: Resuscitation, Chest, Heart and Lung.

Do not use sites like Wikipaedia or WebMD as a source.

Word limit – 1500 – 2000