address the problem using mixed method qualitative and quantitative with multiple time data collection

Using PICOT question answer format. design to address the problem using mixed method qualitative and quantitative with multiple time data collection
reference page and be formatted according to APA guidelines. Critique, analyze, and summarize the results of the study as outlined in the following sections.

Introduction/Literature Review/Background
Methods: Study Design
Methods: Data Collection & Data Management
Statistical Analysis
As you develop the critique, be sure that you have addressed each of the following:

Criterion 1: Write a brief introduction to your paper. Here are some questions to consider:

Is the purpose/aim(s) of the study clearly stated?
Does the introduction demonstrate the need for the study? In other words, is there a statement of the problem?
Does the literature included in the background/literature review section justify why the problem should be studied/addressed?
Does the article present the background of the problem?
Is there enough information that explains the significance of the problem?
Criterion 2: Literature Review- Here are some questions to consider:

Is the literature review relevant to the problem, well organized and synthesized? Do all cited references relevant to the problem?
Do the articles included in the literature review justify/support the need to conduct the study?
Does the literature review include a summary of the literature that includes implications for future research?
Criterion 3: Sample- Here are some questions to consider:

Are the major characteristics of the population under study described?
If a sample was selected, is the method of selecting the sample clearly described? Is it appropriate? Why or why not?
Does the sample selection method create an unbiased sample indicative of the target population?
Is the sample size adequate for the research questions/study purpose/aims being considered?
Criterion 4: Methods: Study Design- Here are some questions to consider:

Was informed consent obtained? Did an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or ethics committee review and approve the study?
Is the study design suitable for answering the questions or testing the proposed hypotheses?
If you wanted to duplicate this study to test for reliability, are the study design methods described sufficiently enough that they could be repeated by another researcher?
Does the study effectively address the problem identified in the background/introduction? If the study fails to answer the research question, what do you believe is the reason?
Is the study design aligned with the sampling methods? Consider if the way the sample population was obtained is appropriate for this study, and the way the study is designed.
What are the strengths and limitations of the study design?
Criterion 5: Methods: Data Collection Management- Here are some questions to consider:

Does the study provide the rationale for the selection of the instruments (or measurements) used?
Are the instruments described in terms of reliability and validity?
If the instrument was developed specifically for the study, are the methods of its development and validation described?
Were the data collection strategies thoroughly described?
How was the data managed and stored?
Did the data collection and management strategies align with best ethical practices?
Criterion 6: Statistical Analysis- Here are some questions to consider:

Are the variables (dependent and independent) clearly identified?
Were the sample characteristics described?
Were the statistical tests used appropriate to the research questions, sample, and actual data?
Are the findings statistically significant? Clinically significant? ?
Does the statistical analysis effectively discuss the strengths and limitations of the findings of the study/analysis?
Can you identify another method for analyzing the data? Would you take a different approach?
Criterion 7: Results, Conclusion, & Limitations- Here are some questions to consider:

What were the results of the study?
What conclusions were drawn from the analysis?
What are the study’s limitations? Do the study imitations de-value the study findings?
Did the authors suggest practice changes based on their findings?
What are the implications for future research?
If at all, how is this study and these findings applicable to your nursing practice?