1. Use your spreadsheet from last week. If you did not calculate the sales in column E within the spreadsheet, fill in that column with numbers.

Excel Assignment part 2
This week you will continue to work with the scenario from last week. The owner thinks it will be easier to look at sales and profits if charts are used. The owner also wants to identify the Class which was not creating as much revenue as the others.

1. Use your spreadsheet from last week. If you did not calculate the sales in column E within the spreadsheet, fill in that column with numbers.

2. Create a column chart of the monthly sales based on class. Select the range A2:D5 to create the graph.

3. The months should display in the legend.

4. Give the chart a title of Monthly Sales.

5. Give the vertical, y-axis a title of Sales in $.

6. Create a pie chart showing the profit for the month of April for all three classes

7. Give the chart a title of April’s Sales.

8. The legend should display the three class names.

9. Create a line chart of monthly sales based on class. Select the range the same range that you used for the column chart.

10. Give the chart a title of Monthly Sales.

11. Give the y-axis a title of Sales in $.

12. Display the legend for both the column and line chart on the right. The legend and months should display if columns and rows are properly selected.

13. Change the sheet tab name to Sales

14. Place a comment in cell A1 with your full name and GID number

15. Save the spreadsheet with the filename CS105_Wk7_YourLastName_YourFirstName_YourGIDNumber

The charts should look something like the ones below. The actual charts, of course, will depend on your spreadsheet numbers.

https://content.grantham.edu/at/CS105/office/w6assignment03.jpg https://content.grantham.edu/at/CS105/office/w6assignment01.jpg https://content.grantham.edu/at/CS105/office/w6assignment02.jpg