Reflective essay: Workplace bullying against nursing students in the clinical setting
For this task, you need to describe a situation you experienced in clinical practice, critically analyse this issue, reflect on this experience using the Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle (see below), make recommendations for future practice, and identify strategies to implement these recommendations.
Examples of issues you may have experienced in clinical practice: poor sharp’s disposal, safe medication administration; a new nursing management for a disease / illness; falls prevention; bedside handover; bullying; effective communication between health care professionals; complex wound care; an excellent learning experience with a buddy.
Practical Applications
This essay will be a reflection on your prior clinical experience using the Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle.
Your essay should include the following:
1. Introduction (outline the purpose of the essay including the use of Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle) (3 marks)
2. What is the issue?
a. Describe the issue you observed in clinical practice and how it made you feel. Ensure that you explain the components of the Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle and why reflection is important. Together, this should make it clear as to why you were prompted to reflect on this issue. (no references) (10 marks)
b. Evaluate the prevalence of this issue (i.e. how widespread is it), and its possible impact on, for example, patient care, nursing standards, nursing practice, policies and procedures, and the links to NMBA Competency Standards (references needed to support your statements) (20 marks)
c. Critically analyse your clinical practice issue (30 marks)
d. Support your reflection throughout by identifying and discussing what the research findings (Australian and international) report about the issue (references needed) (10 marks)
3. Make recommendations (action plan) for future clinical practice or nurses/nursing professional development (references needed to support your statements) (5 marks)
a. Justify the selection of these recommendations based on your experience (critical reflection) and evidence-based literature (references needed) (5 marks)
b. Provide strategies to implement the recommendations – this is an important part of the action plan (5 marks)
4. Conclusion (2 marks)
5. Spelling and grammar (5 marks)
6. Referencing (5 marks)