Ways of knowing your paper

There are several purposes for this assignment:
1. To provide you with an exploration of the concepts of nurses’ ways of knowing.
2. To provide an opportunity to reflect about your own ways of knowing.
3. To evaluate your written communication skills and your ability to organize your thoughts in a logical presentation.
4. To determine your mastery of APA format.

Requirements for this paper include:
1. Before beginning this assignment, please read the following documents (located in module two – Patterns of Knowing in Nursing – under the weekly learning modules button in blackboard):
a. Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing
b. Pedagogical Evolution
2. Before beginning this assignment, please read the following document (located in module three – The Art and Science of Nursing – under the weekly learning modules button in blackboard):
a. The Art and Science of Nursing: Similarities, Differences, and Relations
3. This assignment should state your understanding of nurses’ ways of knowing.
a. Define the 4 patterns of knowing (empirics, ethics, personal knowledge, and esthetics) described by Barbara Carper. Compare definitions that you find in the literature with those described by Barbara Carper.
b. Describe why these patterns of knowing are essential to the professional nurse.
c. Reflect upon how one of these patterns was used by you in the practice setting.
4. Length must be three (3) to four (4) content pages plus the title page and references page(s).
5. There must be at least five (5) references. You are expected to use the readings listed above as references and then locate an additional 2 or more references in the literature. You must include a minimum of three (3) journal articles from scholarly resources.
Note: A scholarly resource is defined in NURS486 as a publication written by academics, researchers, or other scholars. This publication communicates new research and scholarly ideas and may be called ‘refereed’ or ‘peer-reviewed’ resource. Use of Wikipedia is prohibited in this course.
6. Submit the paper through the Turn It In Assignment link (located within the Long-Term Assignments button in the “Ways of Knowing” paper folder.
7. Before submitting your paper, complete the APA Checklist. Please copy and paste your competed version of this checklist and attach it to your paper after your reference section.

please check the following below for the paper.

Required reading: Introduction to Nursing Pedagogy.

Required reading: Carper, B. (1978). Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing. Advances in Nursing

Science, 1(1), 13-23. (attached file above)

Required reading: Altmann, T. K. (2007). An evaluation of the seminal work of Patricia Benner: Theory or

philosophy. Contemporary Nurse, 25, 114-123. (attached file above)

Required reading: Jewell, A. (2013). Supporting the novice nurse to fly: A literature review.

Nurse Education in Practice, 13(4), 323-327. (attached file above)

Required reading: Feeg, V. D. (2001). Another view on professionalism. Pediatric Nursing, 27(3), 220, 222.

(attached file above)

Professional Practice Model Examples: https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=nurse+practice+model&qpvt=nurse+practice+model&FORM=IGRE

Go to: American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and review the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. Within this document, you will find information about the characteristics of the Baccalaureate Generalist nurse.

Grading Rubrics is below.
Criteria Exemplary
Comments/ Score
Title Page • Running head: ALL CAPS
• Page header includes page number
• Title page is page 1
• Title and author info is centered on page and is double spaced Greater than 3 errors. Multiple errors or no title page included.
Introduction The purposes of paper/objective are discussed in a succinct and clear manner. Purpose is unclear or disorganized. Purpose is not identifiable. ___/5
Four Patterns of Knowing The four patterns of knowing are explained in a succinct and clear manner with use of at least 5 references (3 journal articles from scholarly resources). One or more pattern of knowing is not defined or not supported by a reference. The four patterns of knowing are not identifiable. ___/10
Patterns of Knowing Essential to Professional Nurse Clearly and succinctly describes why the four patterns of knowing are essential to the professional nurse and supported with scholarly references. The essential relationship of one or more of the patterns of knowing to the professional nurse is not described and or not supported by a reference. No explanations are provided that describe why the four patterns of knowing are essential to the professional nurse, or explanations are non-supported or unclear. ___/10
Example of One Pattern of Knowing in Practice Setting Clearly describes how one of the patterns of knowing was used within the clinical/practice setting with supporting details. Example of one pattern of knowing used within the clinical/practice setting was provided, but not described clearly or with details. No example of the use of one of the patterns of knowing in clinical/practice setting is provided. ___/10
Conclusion A summary is utilized to demonstrate all objectives of the paper were met in a clear and succinct manner. Summary lacks clarity or conclusion of paper. Non-existent conclusion. ___/5
References • Is titled: References and is centered
• Is double spaced, but no extra space between each entry
• Second and succeeding lines of individual reference is indented one tab Greater than 3 errors exist. Multiple errors exist or no reference page included. ___/10
Criteria Exemplary
Comments/ Score
APA Format APA 6th edition is followed with 0-1 errors. APA 6th edition is used but greater than 2 errors exist. APA 6th edition is not used or multiple errors. ___/20
Scholarly Writing Spelling, no contractions or 2nd person (you) in a formal paper.
Grammar-verbs and nouns agree. Tenses correct,
No run-on or fragment sentences. Comma usage.
Use active voice rather than passive voice.
Author names, not “the study concluded.. or found…”
Research does not “prove.”
Five or more errors exist throughout paper including spelling and grammar. Poor use of grammar and scholarly writing throughout entire paper, multiple issues exist. ___/20
Total Points: _______