Clinical nursing theroies Conduct a literature search and find two more articles on additional, different, or other middle-range theories (Use three required readings and two additional articles you find on your own for a total of five articles). Lead the discussion by reflecting on how these middle-range theories contribute to the knowledge base of nursing and how they impact clinical nursing practice.

Considering the four domains: professional values, communication and interpersonal skills, nursing practice and decision making and leadership management and team working and complete the following questions;
1.Consider a woman who requires care from your own field of nursing (learning disability nurse) who is also pregnant.
•How could you meet the needs of the woman, her family and her unborn baby?
•How may you ensure their continued good health?
2.If a woman is admitted to an area in your field of nursing ( learning disability nurse) in advanced labour;
• What should your immediate reaction be?
•How would you facilitate the birth of the baby?
•How would you facilitate the delivery of the placenta and membranes?
•What would be your priorities in caring for the new-born baby?