discuss Human Resources and related Nursing Management competencies, quality standards, and strategic planning.
Module 2 Discussion Board
Order Description
Upon completion of yhis module students will be able to discuss Human Resources and related Nursing Management competencies, quality standards, and strategic planning.
Meets Course objective #3,5, 7 as listed below;
#3. Describe the evolution of planning systems used by U.S. industry.
#5 Identify and discuss the role of organization cultures in strategic management of human resources.
#7 Discuss the reasons that leadership and the development of healthcare leaders are critical strategic concerns
Flynn, W.J., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., Valentine, S.R. (2016). Health care human resource management (3rd ed.). South-Western. Thompson
Chapters 2 & 3
American Nurses Association. (2009). Scope and standards for nurse administrators (2nd ed.). ANA: Washington, DC.
Applicable readings in the Nursing, Human Resources, and Business literature
Answer the following questions on the Module 2 Discussion Board.
1. Discuss the importance of HR programs in relation to the delivery of safe and competent healthcare.
2. Discuss the relationship of nursing administration standards with human resources functions.
3. Describe the Joint Commission and HR relationship