Community and Public Health Nursing Refelction
Explain the role of community and public health nursing and community partnerships as they apply to the community in LA PUENTE CALIFORNIA
• Address the influence of cultural diversity and vulnerable populations as they apply to the family selected residing in LA PUENTE CALIFORNIA
• Explore the epidemiological influences within the community of LA PUENTE CALIFORNIA
Select one HEALTHY PEOPLE 202 Leading Health Indicator (LHI) that relates to your participating family’s community.
Adults who are currently smokers
• Develop three (3) community or public nursing diagnoses related to
• Identify two (2) potential nursing interventions related to SMOKING that could have a positive effect on the selected LHI.
Identify two (2) potential nursing interventions related to CANCER that could have a positive effect on the selected LHI.
Identify two (2) potential nursing interventions related to HYPERTENSION that could have a positive effect on the selected LHI.
• Describe a community health partnership that could positively influence the selected LHI, Tobacco, adults who currently smoke