Nursing management area
Mary is a registered nurse working on an acute carehospital. Mary meets with Jane the nurse manager to discuss initiatives to improve (care satisfaction etc) services on the unit.
Jane asks Mary toform a teamto review the identified issue on the unit and develop a plan to improve. Mary has no quality improvement experience but is willing to learn and excited about this new project. Mary has been referred to you the director of quality improvement at the hospital to guide you with this project.
Describe your plan to achieve this goal.Whatadvise would you giveMary to start the project select the members of the team and developa plan to improve?What data would you collect?
You will give a power point presentation of your plan to the class addressing at least the following:
Aim statement
Team selection
Who are the team members?
What strategies did you use to motivate staff to participate in the project?
Map or clarify current process
Identify and understand all variation sources
Select the improvement
Implement improvement