Workforce Planning and Human Resource Management at Organisational Level

Learning Outcomes
By successfully completing this module, students will be able to:

Understand and be able to apply definitions of workforce planning and associated activities;
Outline the hypothetical structures and components of Human Resource Management (HRM), and its relationship to workforce planning;
Utilise the constructs of Human Resource Management for the planning and management of the workforce at an organisational level, including linkages with organisational/business planning;
Undertake a risk assessment of workforce planning initiatives;
Understand the structure of an organisational Workforce Plan;
Understand the data items required for workforce planning; and
Develop competency in profiling an organisation’s workforce.

The content of this module will cover the following:

Topic 7: Definitions of workforce planning and links with organisational/business and strategic planning

Topic 8: Reviewing Workforce Plans using a risk assessment framework

Topic 9: Structure of the Workforce Plan

Topic 10: Data Requirements to support Workforce Planning.

Reading 3.1a: Imison, C., Buchan, J., Xavier, S. (2009). NHS Workforce Planning. The King’s Fund, London.

Retrieved from:

Reading 3.1b: Mercer College(2009). Workforce Planning– Facilitator’s Guide.Department of Premier and Cabinet, New South Wales Government.

Retrieved from:

Reading 3.1c: Department of Local Government (2012) Workforce Planning. The Essentials. A toolkit for Western Australian local governments.Government of Western Australia.(p. 21-39)

Retrieved from:

Reading 3.2: Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., & Coulter, M. (2011). Human resource management.In Management (6th Ed). Frenchs Forest, Australia: Pearson Education. Chapter 12.

Reading 3.3: Platanova, E.A., Hernandez, S.R., &Moorehouse, R.B., (2013). Innovative Human Resource Practices in US Hospitals: An Empirical Study. Journal of Healthcare Management; Jul/Aug; 58 (4), p.290-301.

Retrieved from:

Reading 3.4:Vermeeren, B., Steijn, B., Tummers, L., Lankhaar, M., Poerstamper, R., & van Beek, S. (2014). HRM and its effect on employee, organizational and financial outcomes in health care organisations. Human Resources for Health, 12: 35.P.1-9. BioMed Central.

Retrieved from:

Reading 3.5: Garman, A.N., McAlearney, A.S., Harrison, M.I., Song, P.H., & McHugh, M. (2011). High-performance work systems in health care management, Part 1: Development of an evidence-informed model. Health Care Management Review, 36:3, p. 201-213.

Retrieved from:

doi: 10.1097/HMR.0b013e318201d1bf.

Reading 3.6: Australian Health Workforce Officials Committee (2006). Health Workforce Impact Checklist & Guidelines: Informing the decision making process.

Retrieved from the World Wide Web:

Reading 3.7:NSW Ministry of Health (2013). Aboriginal Workforce Strategic Framework 2011-2015.

Retrieved from:

Reading 3.8: Riley, P.L., Zuber, A., Vindigni, S.M., Gupta, N., Verani, A.R., Sunderland, N.L., &Campbell, J. (2012). Information systems on human resources for health: a global review. Human Resources for Health, 10:7. 1-12.

Retrieved from the World Wide Web:

Reading 3.9: Spero, J.C., McQuide, P.A., & Matte, R. (2011). Tracking and monitoring the health workforce: a new human resources information system (HRIS) in Uganda. Human Resources for Health, 9:6. BioMed Central.

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