The capstone preview project focuses on a problem or issue identified during the executive practicum experience and suggests an evidence-based solution to the identified problem or concern.

The capstone preview project focuses on a problem or issue identified during the executive practicum experience and suggests an evidence-based solution to the identified problem or concern. The capstone project’s topic should provide sufficient depth and scope to integrate evidence-based practice, multidisciplinary theory, and advanced nursing practice conceptsinto areas specifically related to the role of the nurse executive.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide learners with the opportunity to initiate the capstone project. The student will identify a practice issue or concern that impacts the role of the nurse executive and will conduct a literature search on the topic. The student will develop an annotated bibliography to provide an understanding of the current literature on the capstonetopic. This will provide the foundation for development of the capstone project in NR660.
Course Outcomes:
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
(CO#1)Synthesize knowledge from evidence-based literature as a foundation for the executive role. (PO 1, 9)
(CO#4)Utilize critical inquiry and judgment in organization decision-making. (4, 7, 9)
(CO#5)Exemplify professional values and scholarship that support leadership and professional development (PO 5, 10)

Identifya capstone topic area that was encountered during the nurse-executive practicum experience. Briefly describe (1 -2 paragraphs) how this topic impacts the practice setting.
Conduct a bibliographic-database search on the selected capstone topic
Create an annotated bibliography that includes a minimum of 10 scholarly sourcesrelated to the capstone topic. The main concepts of each article should be summarized in two to three sentences. References should be cited in APA format.

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