Description of Theory (8 points): 1. Definition of the theory 2. Significance of the theory 3. Concepts, relationships of concepts, and outcomes/effects/consequences of the theory
(100 points possible)
Each student will select anursing Middle-Range Theory(practice theory) to critiqueusing the criteria listed below. Please use the Middle Range Theories textbook by Peterson and Bredow4thed, 2017. The critique will be presented in a formal paper. Your topic must come from Peterson and Bredow (2017), Middle-Range Theories, pp 23-25.It is expected that the student will search the current literature for information that will increase the understanding of the practice theory.
The body (excluding the title page and reference pages) of the paper is to be no more than 10-double spaced pages. The paper will be written in APA format and should include:
Theory Chosen from Text (2 points)
Description of Theory (8 points):
Definition of the theory
Significance of the theory
Concepts, relationships of concepts, and outcomes/effects/consequences of the theory
Internal Criticism of the Theory (15 points) [see Peterson &Bredow, pp 36-37; 45-46 and the relevant chapter]
Adequacy—analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
Clarity—analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
Consistency—analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
Logical development–analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
Level of theory development–analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
External Criticism of the Theory (15 points) [see Peterson &Bredow, pp36-37; 45-46 and the relevant chapter]
Complexity–analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
Discrimination –analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
Reality convergence– analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
Pragmatic adequacy –analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
Scope –analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
Significance — analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
Utility –analyze, present your viewpoint, and support or contrast with additional sources
ent your viewpoint
Description of Practice Setting (20 points)
Describe the areas where the theory has been used
Need to identify sources in the literature where the theory has been used (e.g., acute care, primary care, hospice, mental health), must be supported from the literature
Evaluate the usefulness of the theory to practice
Evaluate the (1) professional, and (2) health care economic impact of the theory
Application of the Theory to Practice (30 points)
Apply the theory to a patient (actual or simulated)
This is not a research study. In this section you need to create a case study (simulated), use a case from the literature, or use an actual case from your experience.
The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the application of the theory to a patient situation. You will use the theory as the framework for nursing practice in your case study. You will need to use & demonstrate the premises and concepts of the theory to guide your practice, your nursing interventions for your patient case study
Discuss the significance of the theory to nursing and patient care delivery
Clarity/Originality (10 points)
Original work of the student
Logical organization, written at the graduate level
Correct spelling and grammar/syntax; Punctuation used properly
Appropriate length; Paper in APA format; Citations appropriate and in APA format
Adequate references (5 or more) and presented in APA format
Current (no older than 5 years except for seminal articles) scholarly nursing journal references should be used to support the content.This means very limited use of textbooks and internet-based materials.
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