Co-Sleeping And SIDS

Child-rearing presents as a set of culturally bound practices that can complement or conflict with research and health promotional practices. The practice of co-sleeping and the risk reduction practices for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) have become conflictual in recent years. In preparation for this discussion, review Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory and SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Expansion of Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment for information on each side of this argument. You may locate resources on this topic on your own.

In your initial post for this discussion, formulate a research-supported position on co-sleeping regarding risks versus benefits. Should co-sleeping be discouraged? Are there specific developmental advantages supported by research for co-sleeping? What are the cultural considerations for co-sleeping practices? Are the risks for co-sleeping (either social, emotional, or health-related) significantly supported by research to take a position against co-sleeping? Consider what you would advise as a professional in the promotion of optimal development.

Compose a post of one to two paragraphs. Reference scholarly or peer-reviewed sources to support your discussion points, as appropriate (using proper citation methods for your discipline)
