Select ONE (1) current issue in health care and/or service provision (specific to Australia, or a global issue). You should NOT DISCUSS A DISEASE (e.g. diabetes), but rather a BROADER ISSUE
combo order: Coursework + Powerpoint Presentation – 1 slide
1. Select ONE (1) current issue in health care and/or service provision (specific to Australia, or a global issue). You should NOT DISCUSS A DISEASE (e.g. diabetes), but rather a BROADER ISSUE (e.g. The impact of access to specialised diabetes healthcare services and mortality among rural and remote individuals). Some examples may include:
• Equity (e.g. Public hospitals, Private healthcare)
• Access (e.g. Rural and remote, health literacy)
• Gender (e.g. Power, hierarchies, medical dominance)
• Workplace cultures (e.g. Transition to teams, leadership, work life balance, bullying, staff retention, burnout)
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Applied Psychology
The Assignment #2task discusses how your response should relate to a case study. This tutorial provides you with that case study. The tutorial exercise this week provides you with an exercise to help you get thinking about how you would develop capability to deal with high risk work situations.
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