Discuss psychological factors that influence whether individuals start to smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs.

Drug Case Study

Create a write-up (300-600 words) that associates psychological theory with substance use. Consider the following in your presentation and write-up:1. What explanation can psychology give to explain the use of substances? Be sure to include the media influences that are represented in your write up (e.g., advertisements for the drug, or PSA clips against the drug) as well as information presented in the text or other Internet sources.
2. What health hazards are associated with the use of the substances represented?
3. Is addiction to this drug treatable using psychological techniques? Why or why not? What techniques might be useful?
At Least two scholarly sources must be used in addition to the text. These can be websites as long as they are scholarly in nature.

Discuss psychological factors that influence whether individuals start to smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs.

· Describe the effects of tobacco, alcohol, or drug abuse in the workplace.

· Explain how employee assistance programs can help employees in controlling this habit.

· Explain the relationship between mental health and tobacco, alcohol, or drug abuse.

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