Project Management systems

Reflective Paper Scenario The client for a project is considering the appointment of a project manager, and you are one of a number of potential project managers who have been asked to submit a proposal.

The client is not interested in costs, and all the potential project managers are qualified and experienced. So in order to make their selection, the client needs to identify the project manager whose style and approach to project management gives them the greatest confidence of success.

In order to make their decision, the Board of Directors have asked you to submit a proposal that detail style, philosophy, and approach to managing projects. Task Write a proposal to the Board of Directors that sets out your style, philosophy, and approach to managing projects; explain the philosophy and approach that you adopt to ensure the success of your projects.

The client is familiar with the functions and activities performed by project managers in the management of projects, so do not merely describe these.

Submissions should be in the order of 1,800 words. It is not normal practice to include references in a report to a client, so for this Assignment, do not include references in the text of the report. Instead, include a bibliography as an Appendix to the report (this does not form part of the word count).

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