Explains how nursing’s philosophical foundations influence your nursing practice and provides at least two specific examples.

Review the information presented in the Learning Resources with your own philosophy of nursing in mind. Focus on any new insights you gained from the readings and how they influence your philosophy.
Reflect on how philosophy influences scientific approaches or knowledge development in nursing.
Examine how positivism and post-positivism have influenced approaches to nursing science (including research methods) and nursing practice. Conduct additional research as necessary using credible websites and the Walden library.
To complete:

Write a 6- to 7- page paper that:
Articulates your philosophy of nursing identifying the philosophical influences and summarizing how this week’s readings influenced your views/beliefs.
Explains how nursing’s philosophical foundations influence your nursing practice and provides at least two specific examples.
Answers the question: What is the relationship between philosophy and knowledge development? How is this evidenced in your nursing philosophy or practice?
Outlines how positivism and post-positivism influences approaches to nursing science (including research methods) and nursing practice as well as your own personal philosophy.

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