Ethnographic Methods to Gather Data for a Research Project Questions

Ethnographic Methods to Gather Data for a Research Project Questions




1. How did the author gather data for this project?  Is this a  quantitative or qualitative project?  Would you say he approaches this  as an insider or an outsider? Be specific.  Why does it matter?

2. It seems as though even among fellow IBD sufferers those afflicted  with this condition take pains to avoid using certain terms and  addressing certain topics.  Specifically, by avoiding talk of “fecal  matters” in their discussions, support group members “were able to avoid  internalizing a soiled self” (p.393).  Detail the strategies they used  in doing so.  Be specific and detailed.

Patricia A. Adler & Peter Adler, Constructions of Deviance: Social Power,Context, and Interaction, 8th ed. (2016). Wadsworth: Belmont, CA.


Explanation & Answer:

3 Paragraphs