Willian Handy Final 11/6/2023 The option that I decided on was option 2 Week 1 (Relationship test) I have been married for four years. What I attribute to the high level of security in my marriage is how we both were raised with strong Christian values (submissive wife, husband having to cherish their wives) and my wife’s cultural upbringing. Filipinos, in general, from what I learned and have experienced personally, are relatively loyal to each other as a whole and, in marriages, are usually quite committed. My wife has shown me high levels of trust, which has led me return to the same level of faith Willian Handy .Week 2 Final 11/6/2023 (Mini IPIP) Most of the results of the test were not too surprising. I am an introverted person, so my extroversion will be very low. Despite desiring isolation, I am trusting and consider myself generally kind, so my Agreeableness is about right, not too high but not low. I do have a unique drive, thinking I work better alone; going for personal goals is fun, making my Conscientiousness the highest. I do not have depression or too many negative thoughts about myself because I am not concerned about trying to live up to others’ expectations. When problems arise, I start trying to solve them, so my Neuroticism is low, but the one that I am surprised about is the Openness of my Big 5. I have an open mind and am probably pretty insightful. I just never thought of myself that way. The test provided me with more clarity on my whole personality. Willian Handy Final 11/6/2023 Week 3 Grit Test This test pairs well with the conscientiousness part of my personality. The odd thing I learned was that I have this bizarre pursuit of perfection. I recall in week one, I was so upset about not getting my total points that I had to reach out to my instructor to get answers, but as the course went on, I learned that there would come a point in life that no matter how you feel no one is obligated to care about your drive but yourself. So, I accepted that the “75%” is spot on. At some point, a person may have to deal with the response of caring only as much as others care about you. When you can figure that out early, then you realize that perfection is no longer critical, and you can enjoy your challenges more carefree. However, when you have those who strive to be the best for you, appreciate them and engage them as much as possible. This simple test was probably the most grounding one for me. It enabled me to develop a selective drive. Willian Handy Final 11/6/2023 Week 4 Typology Test I have taken this test while in a professional development school while in the Air Force. Considering that I worked in Intel and prefer isolated environments, this test is consistent with the other results from tests previously taken. I learned that no matter how many years since I took this test last, the results remain the same. However, I wonder if I have always been this way or if I developed this personality over time. I remember having friends as a child, but somewhere, I prefer a tiny circle. Willian Handy Final 11/6/2023 Week 5 Big Five Assessment This test is consistent with week two results. I am still surprised about the openness score. What I learned from this test was that there is no such thing as an absolute score. A bit of all of the Big 5 exists in all of us. I don’t consider myself very extroverted, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to get out in the crowd occasionally. I think it’s healthy to have a little self-doubt, so “27%” on neuroticism is a good thing. It tapers a person’s ego a bit. Willian Handy Final 11/6/2023 Week 6 achievement orientation scores This assessment confirms my desire to be the best. Most would strive for the mastery approach. The problem with the test is that it needs to be more focused on comparison to others in the classroom. In reality, I don’t care how others are doing, but I do care greatly about performing my best, so I reworded the question for performance-based standards because I still have a desire to learn as much as I can. Willian Handy Final 11/6/2023 Week 7 Success Orientation Assessment This test holds the humblest standards for me. A big chunk of my success is due to having great mentors. Still, in the military, your mentors are only around you for a season, and there were times when I had terrible leadership, but that also gave me an idea of how to be a better supervisor for my subordinates. However, in the Air Force, your rank has much to do with testing. So, if you study hard and keep your head focused on the mission objective, then success will be a result of your skills within job performance. Willian Handy Final 11/6/2023 Week 8 Being in the military and working in combat environments, my military family and I were responsible for taking and saving lives; handling stressful situations is not uncommon. The results from this test are primarily valid. The questions read very similar; I am ambitious, but depending on the case, I may not always be. However, if I am being honest, I don’t believe any of the results are “exactly true.” Willian Handy Final 11/6/2023 Week 9 I looked at this score hoping to be higher, but after reading more into it, I was satisfied with the results. I agree with the overall feedback of still having room to grow. I went to check on my classmate’s results, and I was surprised to see so many different levels of the scores. It should be around my score, but it was diverse. Willian Handy Final 11/6/2023
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