PSYCH 655 UP Psychology Essential Statistical Measures Discussion
PSYCH 655 UP Psychology Essential Statistical Measures Discussion
1 Use the following Buros Mental Measurements website for Testing and Assessment
- Go to Test Reviews Online (free to use to look at different testsand assessments- you do not have to buy).
- Review one test/assessment that you would be likely to use and answer the following questions indiscussion form. Be sure to cover ALL of the questions:
- Whydid you choose this test/assessment?
- Whatis the test designed to measure?
- Whatis the objective of the test?
- Arethere any other tests purporting to measure the same thing?
- Whatis this test’s reliability or validity?
- Whowill use this test? Clinicians? Educators? Others? For what purpose or purposeswould this test be used?
- Whowill take this test? Who is this test for? Who needs to take it?
- Forwhat age range of test takers is the test designed? What reading level isrequired of a test taker? What cultural factors might affect test takerresponse?
- Towhat extent is this content culture-specific? How will the test beadministered? Individually or in groups?
- Whatbackground and qualifications will a prospective user of data derived from anadministration of this test need to have?
- Whatkind of disability might preclude someone from being able to take this test?What adaptations or accommodations are recommended for persons withdisabilities?
- Whobenefits from an administration of this test?
- Whatsocial benefit, if any, derives from an administration of this test?
- Howcan you use this test/assessment? Why?
2 What is mean, median, and mode, and why are they important.
Explanation & Answer:
250 words