Post University Stages of Change Theoretical Concepts Psychology Discussion

Post University Stages of Change Theoretical Concepts Psychology Discussion




Paper Topics:


Theory 1

Theory 2


Stages of Change

Motivational Enhancement/Interviewing


Solution Focused

Reality Therapy


Matrix Model

Solution Focused


Cognitive Behavioral

Solution Focused


Matrix Model

Cognitive Behavioral

NOTE: You cannot resubmit any previously written information on your WA #1 when turning in WA #2. This is not allowable and considered an academic integrity and University violation.

For each paper, please choose an option # (listed above on the graph) for your first paper and another for your second.

After choosing an option, please provide a brief (1 paragraph for each theory) summary of the key aspects of the theory. Afterwards, please COMPARE and CONTRAST the two theories chosen by addressing the following:

• Similarities and differences in general theoretical concepts, principles, and agents of change 

• Similarities and differences in stages associated with treatment according to teach theory (e.g. beginning, middle, and termination stages, etc.) 

• Similarities and differences in creating positive change to promote recovery through the concepts of the theories. 

• Similarities and differences in approaching obstacles in the treatment process. 

• Similarities and differences in the human service provider’s role in the treatment process. 

Other similarities and differences in the treatment process that are noteworthy 

Please title your paper listing the names of both theories such as, “Matrix Model vs. Solution Focused Therapy.


Explanation & Answer:
