Student Stressors Daily Hassles and Coping Methods Research Paper

Student Stressors Daily Hassles and Coping Methods Research Paper




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General Psychology 1 Research Paper Assignment 1. Complete The Student Stress Scale adapted from the Holmes-Rahe Stress Life Stress Inventory (Holmes & Rahe, 1967) and the Positive and Negative Coping Skills Inventory (Anspaugh, Hamrick, & Rosato, 1991). 2. Review the concept of stress from at least three scholarly sources, including, your textbook (Spielman, 2014), and in at least one research article on stress and coping (see below for instructions on how to find a scholarly research article). **Do not cite websites, especially Wikipedia, Psychology Today, etc. 3. Based on your review of the literature, in essay format (12-point, Times New Roman Font, double-space, 1-inch margins, body of the paper 3-5 pages) discuss the definition of stress and coping, and summarize the various coping mechanisms (emotion-focused coping, problem-focused coping, and avoidant or avoidance coping). Discuss the findings of one research article on stress. 4. Next, report your score from The Student Stress