What is the trouble with thinking in Othello Follow standard MLA formatting(1-inch…

What is the trouble with thinking in Othello

Follow standard MLA formatting(1-inch margins;12-point Times New Roman font;double-spaced;no space between paragraphs;title, date, and your name on the first page;in-text parenthetical citations of the act.scene.line numbers or of the hour:minute:second). Although there is no required page length/word count, I anticipate a satisfying argument in response to one of these prompts would run 2000-2300 words (6-7 pages). Focus on analyzing lines of speech and dialogue first and foremost (and analyzing plot points secondarily). The most interesting arguments develop from a careful consideration of Shakespeare’s word choice.You may speculate on how modern and/or Renaissance audiences would react to the play as part of your argument, but keep your argument grounded in the text.You may incorporate ideas about the plays and films that we discussed in class or on Blackboard, but extend your analysis well beyond them: I will be judging your essay primarily by its original analysis of the text or films (and secondarily by how surprising and how well constructed I find your argument).

What is the trouble with thinking in Othello? Iago plants “seeds of doubt” that lead to in others, and we often see another of speech as a poison in the ear, leading to self-damaging thoughts. How else does the play represent rationality, thought, certainty, or any other mental activity? Or what is the relationship of one of the senses (speech, sight, smell, touch, taste) to thinking in the play? Added to cart