
Although many college-age people look healthy, appearances can be deceiving. After filling out the wellness profile and lifestyle evaluation, what areas of your life do you think you can improve upon? What obstacles might you come up against in trying to do so?

Thursday night to get full credit. This is a writing assignment. Proper punctuation, capitalization, spelling and sentence structure is required. Anything that looks like texting will be an automatic “zero.”

I need it ASAP
Teaching Online: Discussion Board Policy & Grading Rubric Classroom discussion is one way to explore and acquire an understanding of a topic. Although we won’t all be meeting in person to talk about these topics we will try to capture some of that experience using the online discussion board.

What Do You Need to Do for Discussion Boards? For most of the online readings provided you will be asked to participate in a discussion related to the topics covered. You will receive a score for your participation in each of these discussion threads (see rubric below). Each discussion topic will be open for a specified time. To receive full credit you must post your initial thread by 11:55 p.m. Thursday and respond to at least 2 other participants by 11:55 p.m. Sunday. Reading and responding to posts on a daily basis will make the discussion more interesting for everyone. Please remember to use good netiquette at all times. By 11:55 p.m. Thursday 1. Read the question carefully. Think about what you have read about the issue.

Think about specific examples from the reading or your own experience. 2. Compose your response to the question. Be sure your response is relevant to the

question asked. Your response must consist of 1-3 paragraphs. (Each paragraph must consist of at least 3-5 sentences.)

3. Enter your response to the question in the discussion board by clicking the

Reply button and typing or pasting it into the box provided. I sometimes copy my response into a word processing document to check for spelling or grammar errors and to edit it until I am satisfied. Then, I copy it back to the discussion board.

By 11:55 p.m. Sunday 4. Read the responses posted by other students. 5. Post a response to at least two other student’s posts. You are certainly

encouraged to add more posts but this is the minimum to meet the requirement. Your responses to other learners must consist of at least 1 paragraph. (Each paragraph must consist of at least 3-5 sentences.)

Why Do You Need to Participate in Discussion Boards?

Because you will earn points for doing so, of course, but here are some other reasons based on what I have read and what others who have used online discussion boards say about them. 1. Discussion provides a way for you to stimulate and clarify your thoughts. Did

you ever have the experience that you didn’t really know what you thought about something until you said it out-loud or wrote it down? And then after saying it realized that it didn’t make as much sense as you originally thought? So feel free to modify and elaborate on your ideas in later posts.

2. Discussion provides a way to expand your ideas on a topic by listening to what

others have to say about it. The topics we will be discussing have an impact on many different aspects of our lives. A classmate may remind us of a factor we have overlooked or may have more information about a topic than you or I or may have a different view on the importance of various factors.

3. Discussion provides a way to get to know the other students in the class. One

problem mentioned with online classes is that students may feel isolated from others in the class. The discussion board is one way to get together and get to know others in the class by finding out what they have to say about the issues we will be discussing.

Discussion Board Grading Rubric Your participation in discussion boards is critical to the success of this course and it is a significant part of your grade. While I can easily count the quantity of your posts, the qualitative evaluation of your written material is inherently subjective. However, I will attempt to evaluate your posts as objectively as possible using the rubric below. These guidelines should also give you a better understanding of the expectations for the content of your posts.

Each discussion board is worth 25 points (15 points for initial post, 5 points each for your two responses to other student’s posts).

Credit Criteria

100% Comments are well-organized, on-topic Comments use at least 3-5 complete sentences within each paragraph and correct grammar, free of spelling errors

Comments reveal a solid understanding of the topic Comments reveal ability to integrate issues from text, other students’ posts Comments provide coherent argument/explanation for position

Follows good netiquette in response

75% Comments reasonably well-organized, on-topic Comments use 3-5 mostly complete sentences within each paragraph and correct grammar, few spelling errors

Comments reveal a good understanding of the topic Comments include reasonable justification/explanation for position

Follows good netiquette in response

50% Organization of comments needs improvement, off-topic Includes 3-5 incomplete sentences within each paragraph, incorrect grammar, more than three spelling errors

Comments reveal an adequate understanding of the topic Comments include adequate justification/explanation for position

Follows good netiquette in response

25% Comments lack organization, off-topic Weak sentence structure, many grammar/spelling errors, less than 3 sentences within each paragraph

Comments reveal a restricted understanding of the topic Comments do not include justification/explanation for position

Follows good netiquette in response

0% No posting for discussion question or response to other student’s posts

Does not follow good netiquette in response