‘What are the opportunities and challenges for practical theologians using empirical research methods derived from the social sciences?

Practical Theology and Empirical Research Essay –Due by 11.59pm EST on Thursday April 11th .

this essay of 4000 words students have to address the following two-part question: ‘What are the opportunities and challenges for practical theologians using empirical research methods derived from the social sciences?  How might your experience of the Holy Spirit in the ministry of the Church inform your answer’? I am expecting a discussion of the field, a critical evaluation of sources and independent judgment on the framing an answer.

Please look at the attached document for detailed instructions on this assignment.

In this essay of 4000 words I am asking students to address the following two-part question:

‘What are the opportunities and challenges for practical theologians using empirical research methods derived from the social sciences? How might your experience of the Holy Spirit in the ministry of the Church inform your answer?’

The essay has two parts:

The first section of the essay discusses empirical research methods. Define them. Give examples of them. Then relate it to the key component of the first part. But it is framed in the context of practical theology. So look at these methods through the disciplinary eyes of a practical theologian. What is practical theology and how might a practical theologian use empirical research methods. Given this disciplinary context and approach, there are opportunities and challenges.

The opportunities – an opportunity is a possibility of something. It is like a door that is opened and you have to walk through it to find out what is on the inside. So, what kinds of things does the use of empirical research methods give you that you could not have without them? Think in terms of people and their situations.

The challenges – a challenge is a difficulty or a problem that you have to overcome in order to succeed. So, what kinds of issues are presented with the use of empirical research methods? How will you overcome these challenges?

The second part of the question asks about your experience of the Holy Spirit in the work of ministry in the Church. How does this experience influence (1) what you investigate; (2) how you investigate it; and (3) what resources you use to interpret what you investigate?

I am expecting:

(1) a discussion of the field, that is the field of practical theology and the use of empirical research methods within in.

(2) a critical evaluation of sources – what are the strengths and weaknesses of some of the positions you discuss?

(3) and independent judgment on the framing of an approach, given your own experience of the Holy Spirit in ministry and the Church.

About the number and kind of sources for the essay let me clarify my expectations for you.

1. This is a major essay and so I expect a range of sources as well as detailed and critical engagement with the central or key sources used.

2. I expect around 10-12 sources to be cited, showing breadth and depth. Some sources will be central to your argument and some will be more supportive to it. This is normal in academic writing.

3. There is a range of material in Blackboard that you can use, as well as the textbooks, but you will need to identify a number of “extra” sources as well. I have identified nine texts in the practical theology and empirical research recommended section of the syllabus. You don’t have to use all of these, but they are examples of the kinds of texts that might be useful to you.

4. Sources from the “specific empirical approaches” section might also be used depending on which kinds of example you are thinking about, e.g. interviews or focus groups.

5. A number of sources can be found in academic journals and I would encourage you to conduct a literature survey in the journals to identify two or three that can illustrate the kinds of approach that you are considering. So, these would be “outside” sources, i.e. not already identified by me.

I hope these points are helpful to you. I am trying to walk a line between supporting your work and not telling you what to write because at doctoral level I am expecting a fair amount of independence. There is no right or wrong way to write this essay, just better or worse ways of doing it. I hope this makes sense to you. If you have any specific questions, then please do send me an email directly.