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Research Paper
Complete the following assignment in groups of no more than 4. Note the due date for each portion of the assignment and refer to your detailed class schedule for the submission requirements. . Marks are allocated as indicated for each section of the assignment. The total assignment is worth a total of 10% of your final grade. The final mark includes the paper, presentation and peer review requirements. Late submission penalties apply.

Part A (due Week 4)

Select a topic you wish to research. The topic must be relevant to insurance and have an impact on underwriting. The focus of your paper should be to research and educate yourself about hot topics or changes in our industry that you feel will influence your career moving forward.

Submit in class next week a summary of your topic including 4- 6 relevant and acceptable sources of information you will use as part of your research (may be websites, trade publications, etc.). You must also include a title page that lists the names of your group members. There should be no more than 4 members in your group. This submission should be typed and double spaced. Your resources should be listed using current APA formatting.

This portion of the assignment is marked out of 10 and is worth 5% of the final mark, and will be marked based on meeting the requirements of this portion of the assignment as stated above.

Part B (due Week 10)

Your final research paper should be posted online under the discussion forum set up for this week.

Each student is expected to complete a peer review for two (2) papers. Post your review under the discussion forum for each paper. Your review will be marked using the Online Discussion Rubric.

Please note that a peer review should include the following;
A short summary (about 3 – 5 sentences) of the focus of the paper and what you learned from it.
Two (2) compliments about the paper.
One (1) critique about the paper.

This portion of the assignment is worth 5% of your final mark.

Part C (due Week 10)

Your final paper, printed copy, will be handed in in class during this week. This portion of the assignment will be marked based on the attached rubric for Group Papers.

This portion of the assignment is worth 80% of your final grade.

How to Submit your Assignment
All parts of the assignment must be submitted in class.

Grading Criteria
See mark allocation in the instructions above.

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