Entries by developer

“Patient Rights and HIV / AIDS”

“Patient Rights and HIV / AIDS” Please respond to the following: • * From the scenario, analyze the concept of patients’ rights, and ascertain the key concerns of physicians and nurses as they apply to patients with AIDS. Speculate on the major ways in which such overlapping concerns from health professionals may influence legal decisions […]

Financial vs. Managerial Managers

HSA 525 WEEK 8 DISCUSSION Financial vs. Managerial Managers Describe the type of role you would like to have in health financial management. Would you prefer to be a managerial accountant or financial manager? Why? NOTE: MORE THAN ONE ANSWER POSTED AS A BONUS CHOOSE ANY YOU LIKE

Compare and contrast the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research

Your paper is to be based on current literature, standards of practice, core competencies, and certification bodies for your chosen role. Criteria: • Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing: o Compare and contrast the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, […]

workforce diversity on job satisfaction

Unit 2 Assignment Assignment: Job Satisfaction Marla Santigo is an accountant for at Lemnah Company. Marla loves her job and spends countless hours working at the office. She enjoys working on taxes and reviewing financial records. Being an accountant was her dream and she reached hers goal after going to school evenings and weekends. Every […]

Describe at least one situation in which you demonstrated professionalism in nursing, explaining how your behavior in the situation is different than it would have been without your additional education from this RN to BSN program.

1) How is professionalism being demonstrated? Post an APA citation and a descriptive summary of the article you located addressing professionalism. ************************************************ 2) How do you exhibit professionalism in your daily work? Describe at least one situation in which you demonstrated professionalism in nursing, explaining how your behavior in the situation is different than it […]

Develop an Organizational Communication Plan

Create a powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation is for Fictitious Board Members of a Long Term Care Organization Purpose: 1. Present a Communication Plan that outlines how the change will be communicated to all levels of the organization: 2. Inegrate Steps in Article (attached) Studying organizational change in terms of type, diagnosis, process and intervention. To […]

Health Care Case 3 Assignment

Required Reading Berke, D. M. (2016). Drive-by-doctoring: Contractual issues and regulatory solutions to increase patient protection from surprise medical bills. American Journal of Law and Medicine, 42(1), 170-189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0098858816644720 Computers, software; minimizing Medicare fraud internally. (2015). State & Local Health Law Weekly, 23. DuBois, J. M., Walsh, H. A., Chibnall, J. T., Anderson, E. E., […]

The purpose of the Introduction is to identify your topic, explain why it is important, review past research relevant to your topic, and explain the purpose of your present study. In an Introduction, include the following

I need an intro, for my topic is the relationship between the exercise time and the quality of the sleep. 1) Introduction The purpose of the Introduction is to identify your topic, explain why it is important, review past research relevant to your topic, and explain the purpose of your present study. In an Introduction, […]

The article Intelligence explosion: Evidence and import reviews the indication for and in contradiction of three assertions on artificial intelligence

WORKS CITED Muehlhauser, Luke, and Anna Salamon. “Intelligence explosion: Evidence and import.” Singularity Hypotheses. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. 15-42. The article Intelligence explosion: Evidence and import reviews the indication for and in contradiction of three assertions on artificial intelligence: that one, a substantial chance exists that human-level Artificial Intelligence will be developed before 2100; two, in case human […]

What are descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? How do they compare and contrast? Provide examples of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

This is an assessment. NO PLAGARISM!!!!!! 1. What are descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? How do they compare and contrast? Provide examples of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 2. What are basic service classifications and how can understanding these classifications be important to data collection […]