Entries by developer


Immunity The main drama in the struggle of AIDS takes place in our immune system. From the moment that the body is infected by the first HIV virus, a battle of epic proportion begins in the immune system. The HIV is fighting to kill the immune system, and the immune system is fighting to kill […]

ntroduction to Nursing Research

Course Description This writing intensive course promotes the use of research findings as a basis for improving clinical practice. Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are presented. Emphasis is on the critical review of research studies and their applications to clinical practice. An overview of evidence-based practice is provided. Prerequisite: HLT-362V. NRS-433V: Introduction to Nursing Research […]

Advanced Nursing Practice Translation Science Project Report

Advanced Nursing Practice Translation Science Project Report APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headings (upper and lower case, centered, boldface): Note: Introduction – Write an introduction to a selected advanced nursing practice translation science topic, but do not use […]

Choose A Theory That Finds Practical Application In Critical

Choose a theory that finds practical application in critical care/pediatric/psychiatric nursing and discuss the origins of the theory based on the following criteria: • How did the happenings of the nursing profession impact the origin of this theory? • What values, evidence, or existing knowledge did the theorist cite to support the theory? • What […]

Psychology( operant or respondent conditioning?)

For the example below, decide if the behavior in question was acquired through operant or classical conditioning. If you decide the behavior is operant, identify the Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence below. If you decide the behavior is respondent, identify the previously Neutral (now Conditioned) Stimulus, the Unconditioned Stimulus, and the Unconditioned ( now Conditioned) Response. […]

Facility Planning-Nursing home

Health care facilities are unique and have clearly defined characteristics based on the needs of the facility or population being served. Poor design may lead to staff, visitor, or patient stress. In large facilities, inability to find a department may lead to frustrations and disorientation for older patients. Poor layout may also lead to staff […]

This course project provides you with the opportunity to develop an expanded knowledge base regarding a specific mental illness/psychological disorder and increase your expertise in diagnostic skill.

Course Project Task I Topic Selection This course project provides you with the opportunity to develop an expanded knowledge base regarding a specific mental illness/psychological disorder and increase your expertise in diagnostic skill. For this module, review diagnostic categories and select a specific mental illness/psychological disorder to research and apply to the sport psychology setting. […]

I need 4 clear and quality references for each topic so a total of 8 references. These references need to be current and website based with an author who is current (2008-2018). I need to be able to go to a website and see that actual work. No google books or Wiki. I need media articles to references and see. Please understand this requirement. Also this needs to follow APA style and be in 12 Times. Also I just need the document in a clear well written single spaced. I will do the editing no need to send cover page or double space. I will do that through my review. Thank you and see the topics below that need addressed. “Workplace Monitoring” Please respond to the following: Workplace monitoring is a topic that many people have very different opinions about, as it affects workplace productivity, privacy, human resource management, and other issues. Describe some of the common computer- or network-related activity areas that companies monitor, and the legal or privacy issues associated with that monitoring. Choose the computer or network-related activity that you believe is most challenging to monitor from an employer perspective, and describe why. “The Rule-Making Process” Please respond to the following: Describe the rule-making process, how agencies become involved in the rule-making process, and how other people can become involved in the rule-making process. Determine if you believe that this rule-making process is effective or if it takes too long to implement new rules and regulations. Discuss whether or not this strengthens the American Legal System.

I need 4 clear and quality references for each topic 8 total references. These references need to be current and website based with an author who is current (2008-2018). I need to be able to go to a website and see that actual work. No google books or Wiki. I need media articles to references […]