Entries by developer

The four key elements of professional regulation have been identified as health professional registration

The four key elements of professional regulation have been identified as health professional registration, the setting of standards and codes, accreditation and the management of risk to the public through complaints handling (Chiarella & White, 2013). With reference to relevant disciplinary case law (from UK, Australia or New Zealand) and peer reviewed professional literature, explain […]

Why is evaluating training an important part of strategic training?

BA 2410 – Module Four Homework Chapter 9 Why is evaluating training an important part of strategic training? What learning principles would you consider when designing a training program? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning in regards to training employees. Chapter 11 Describe how organizational culture and the use of performance criteria and standards […]

The Wages of Emotion Work

As explained in the box by Ferris and Stein, emotion work is the process of managing, evoking, or suppressing feelings so as to create a public display of emotion. The box explains that when a person manages or suppresses his emotions, he is able to relate well with the public. During daily interaction, one expects […]

Biology of Sexual Orientation

Biology of Sexual Orientation Most researchers in the area of human sexuality believe that human sexual orientation is largely biologically determined and not a matter of choice. Describe the biological (anatomical, physiological, genetic, chemical) correlates of sexual orientation. Apply this information to how the general public could be educated about the role of biology in […]

Suicide Discussion Question

Max Points: 5.0 Why is identifying the “real story” important for effective counseling? What difficulties could occur if you do not focus your counseling on the “real story?” Explain how you would handle a client who states he is feeling hopeless and helpless. How would you assess for suicidality? If the client only has fleeting […]

Brain And The Nervous System

Field: Psychology Report Issue This week we learn about the brain and the nervous system. As we learn about how chemical reactions affect us, it made me think of a question. Do we truly control our actions and behaviors? Or do we act based solely on the chemical reactions that happen in brains and nervous […]

The Be ef Lifecycle

The Be ef Lifecycle FEEDYARD Cattle spend 4-6 months at a feedyard being fed a scientifically-balanced diet and receiving daily care. Some spend the rest of their lives on a pasture being grass finished. Retailers and foodservice operators sell beef in SUPERMARKETS AND RESTAURANTS. Due to strong demand for U.S. beef, beef is EXPORTED TO […]

interview two people who have successfully completed doctoral programs. Your goal in this assignment is to carefully consider and organize the body of your paper around these three key ideas: What most assisted your interviewees in completing their major research projects or dissertations? What challenges did your interviewees experience? What specific recommendations do your interviewees have for successful completion? Use the following […]

Trade Of Quinoa

Top five importers Top five exporters Historical trade Volume and Value (either global aggregate or just for the largest markets above) Summarize your findings graphically. After you find the data above, write 1-2 pages about a political economy issue related to the good or product, such as: Trade policies affecting world trade Countries agreements/disagreements about […]

Developing A Strategic Approach

This is to be original work the attached file is from assignment 1 work off of the attached file apa style For this assignment, continue your role as the administrator of the organization you created for Assignment 1. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Create a mission and vision statement […]