Entries by developer

Evaluation of National Quality Standards Healthcare

Assignment Guidelines Evaluation of National Quality Standards / Programs / Awards Overview: Brief overview of the two programs for comparison Suggested Programs to Compare: Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence Program vs. ISO 9001 Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence Program vs. The Deming Prize Any of the following healthcare accreditation organizations: Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP) The Joint […]

Scernario 2 (PM3)

You are the new Project Manager of an assigned project approved by Management to have completed and signed off within 1 year (12 months). What are 6-8 steps (there are many more so not to worry to list all the potential steps) that describe the factors and thought process for each step that you feel […]

Pharmacology -Nursing Exam Questions & Answers

.a. Describe the differences between local and systemic routes of drug administration, giving examples of each. (7) Outline the actions a nurse can take to minimise the occurrence of side effects of drugs. (7) 1a) Local routes of administration will result in an effect to the area where the drug has been administered, whereas systemic […]

Integrated Safety Management Systems

Course Textbook Pardy, W., & Andrews, T. (2010). Integrated management systems: Leading strategies and solutions. Plymouth, United Kingdom: Government Institutes. Unit Assignment In a well-organized and detailed essay, identify a handful of leading metrics that you think your organization is using or could implement to help with the continuous improvement efforts of the company’s management […]

Population-Based Nursing Care Order Description Discuss your role as an advocate and healthcare leader in promoting positive social change as a scholar-practitioner to improve the health of vulnerable populations in your community

Population-Based Nursing Care Order Description Discuss your role as an advocate and healthcare leader in promoting positive social change as a scholar-practitioner to improve the health of vulnerable populations in your community. •In your current practice and as a health leader in your community how will you collaborate with other healthcare providers to promote the […]

Packed Column;

Packed Column; Design an experiment for the Packed Column. You must use your knowledge of Chemical Engineering and your other resources to: 1. Compare the Ergun Equation in single phase (i.e. air only) and two phase (i.e. air and water) flow. Which does it model better? Perform the experiment over a wide range of air […]

Nursing Care Plan for Breathing and Controlling Body Temperature

Nursing Care Plan for Breathing and Controlling Body Temperature Order Description Case study You are the nurse looking after Kyle, a 2 year old male admitted to the Paediatric ward with whopping cough. He currently has symptoms of rhinorrhea (runny nose), red, bloodshot eyes, a temperature of 37.9 degrees Celsius and a paroxysmal cough (repetitive, […]

Create a care plan for ; knowledge deficit and activity intolerance.

Jane Vuong is a 24-year-old single Vietnamese woman living in the United States on an academic visa. She has been attending the local university for two years, studying cellular biology as an undergraduate. She comes from an affluent Vietnamese family. Her parents are paying for her education. They want her to return to Vietnam with […]

Whenanagarplateis inoculated,whyis theloopsterilizedaftertheinitialinoculumis puton?

Create a 2- to 3-page document in Microsoft Word for providing answers to questions in the following: Exercise4: Purebacterialcolonies 1. Whenanagarplateis inoculated,whyis theloopsterilizedaftertheinitialinoculumis puton? 2. Distinguishbetweena purecultureandamixedculture. 3. Definea bacterialcolony.Listfourcharacteristicsbywhichbacterialcoloniesmaybe distinguished. 4. Whyshoulda Petridishnotbe leftopenforanyextendedperiod? 5. Whydoesthestreakingmethod youusedto inoculateyourplatesresultin isolatedcolonies? Exercise5: Pourplateandstreakingtechniquetoobtainpurecultures 1. Discusstherelativeconvenienceofpour-andstreak-platetechniquesinculturingclinical specimens. 2. Howdoyoudecidewhichcoloniesshouldbepickedfrom aplatecultureofamixedflora? 3. Whyisitnecessarytomakepuresubculturesoforganismsgrownfrom clinicalspecimens? 4. Whatkindsofclinicalspecimensmayyielda mixedflorainbacterialcultures? 5. […]