Entries by developer

continuing nursing education

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 4-5 slides in which you compare the pros and cons of continuing nursing education related to the following: 1. Impact on competency. 2. Impact on knowledge and attitudes. Take a position: Should continuing nursing education be mandatory for all nurses? Support your position with rationale. A minimum of three scholarly […]

Anatomy BMI

Matt is a 21 year old male who is 6’1” tall and weighs 250 pounds. Maria is a 19 year old female who is 5’8” and weighs 140 pounds. Matt has a family history of diabetes mellitus. Matt and Maria are close friends and do most things together. On this given day, they were heading […]

Responses to climate change.

Essay due date: This essay is due at your Week #6 laboratory session. Prepare and submit a hard copy to your instructor, but before the time of your scheduled lab session, submit your essay file into the “SafeAssignment” folder designated for your lab section on Blackboard. General introduction and background: Increased emissions of greenhouse gases […]

Nursing Leadership assignment assistance

Nursing Leadership assignment assistance Question If I can get assistance with this assignment- .blackboard.com/webapps/assignment/uploadAssignment?content_id=_9435770_1&course_id=_101098_1&assign_group_id=&mode=view”>Week 5 Assignment 1 (W5A1 Changing Agent Paper: The purpose of this paper is to provide the students the opportunity to identify a need for change in health delivery in their unit, analyze, and design a plan for change. In this paper, […]

Preventing a Brave New World essay (900-100 words), psychology help

Preventing a Brave New World To complete your sixth essay, please write a three- to five-page (900-1,500 word) response to the following question: In “Preventing a Brave New World” (pp. 331-343), Leon Kass concludes that reproductive and therapeutic cloning of human embryos is unethical. What are the exact steps in Kass’s argument for this conclusion? […]

Nursing Practice

Ethics and the Law   Purpose: In this Assignment you will examine individual roles related to the regulation of nursing practice, resolution of conflict, and delivery of health care services. This Assignment will serve as a course level assessment for course outcome 1:  Examine culturally proficient and congruent approaches to the care of diverse communities […]

Distinguish between active and passive immunity.

Answer the following Checklist Exercise from Ch. 17 of Microbiology: Principles and Explorations: Distinguish between active and passive immunity. Give examples of each. Active immunity Passive immunity Answer the following Checklist Exercise from Ch. 17 of Microbiology: Principles and Explorations: Distinguish between innate and acquired immunity. Give examples of each.   Answer the following Checklist […]

One nursing theory will be presented as a framework to resolve a problem occurring within one of the professional areas of leadership, education, informatics, healthcare policy or advance clinical practice. The same nursing theory selected in Assignment

Description of the Assignment: One nursing theory will be presented as a framework to resolve a problem occurring within one of the professional areas of leadership, education, informatics, healthcare policy or advance clinical practice. The same nursing theory selected in Assignment One may be used to resolve the identified problem. A specific nursing theory must […]