Entries by developer

Working in Groups

Working in Groups Order Description Think of a group you have belonged to and worked with during your professional life. (Professional life can be work done in charities/nonprofits/not-for-profits and your experiences in higher education.) You do not have to have use “real” names, especially if it was a bad experience! If you do not have […]

Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history

Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may “practice” these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one. Complete the “Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client” worksheet. Complete […]

Nursing leadership an management week 6

Select a particular change in health care that you would like to see occur. Describe how you would work through the four phases of planned change as explained in the chapter to show how they would bring about your selected change. 2. Think about a change that has occurred in your life. Some examples may […]

Critical Thinking Exercise

This assignment is worth up to 75 points. We will apply course concepts from Myers Chapter 7 (Persuasion) to the following case: Case. Spin doctoring is form of impression management that has been in the repertoire of public relations practitioners for four decades. The term refers to the tactic of shifting the focus off of […]