As with your previous assignments, you will complete this assignment with the DAA Template. Links to additional resources are available in the Resources area.

Reminder: The format of this SPSS assignment should be narrative with supporting statistical output (table and graphs) integrated into the text in the appropriate places (not all at the end of the document).

You will analyze the following variables in the grades.sav data set:



Step 1: Write Section 1 of the DAA.

Provide the context of the grades.sav data set.

Include a definition of the specified variables (predictor, outcome) and corresponding scales of measurement.

Specify the sample size of the data set.

Step 2: Write Section 2 of the DAA.

Analyze the assumptions of the one-way ANOVA.

Paste the SPSS histogram output for quiz3 and discuss your visual interpretations.

Paste SPSS descriptives output showing skewness and kurtosis values for quiz3 and interpret them.

Paste SPSS output for the Shapiro-Wilk test of quiz3 and interpret it.

Report the results of the Levene test and interpret it.

Summarize whether or not the assumptions of the one-way ANOVA are met.

Step 3: Write Section 3 of the DAA.

Specify a research question related to the one-way ANOVA.

Articulate the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

Specify the alpha level.

Step 4: Write Section 4 of the DAA.

Begin by pasting SPSS output of the means plot and providing an interpretation.

Also report the means and standard deviations of quiz3 for each level of the section variable.

Next, paste the SPSS ANOVA output and report the results of the F test, including:

Degrees of freedom.

F value.

p value.

Calculated effect size.

Interpretation of the effect size.

Finally, if the omnibus F is significant, provide the SPSS post-hoc (Tukey HSD) output.

Interpret the post-hoc tests.

Step 5: Write Section 5 of the DAA.

Discuss the conclusions of the one-way ANOVA as it relates to the research question.

Conclude with an analysis of the strengths and limitations of one-way ANOVA.

Submit your DAA Template as an attached Word document in the assignment area.


One-Way ANOVA Scoring Guide.

DAA Template.

SPSS Data Analysis Report Guidelines.

IBM SPSS Step-by-Step Guide: One-Way ANOVA.

Copy/Export Output Instructions.

APA Style and Format.

Description of the selected disorder (Identify the DSM diagnostic category for the disorder and distinguish between diagnostic and commonly used terminology.)

you have selected acute stress disorder. Research it using your textbook and Argosy University online library resources. A minimum of 5 sources in addition to your textbook should be used. At least three of those sources should be peer-reviewed journal articles. The remaining 2 sources may be books, journal articles, or reputable web sites (like those from professional organizations or governmental agencies, not Wikipedia or similar sites). you will find that you need to address the following in a paper:

Description of the selected disorder (Identify the DSM diagnostic category for the disorder and distinguish between diagnostic and commonly used terminology.)
Causative factors of the disorder
Diagnosis of the disorder
Treatment of the disorder
Survey of current research on the disorder
Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format
ersonality disorders are chronic and persistent behavioral and emotional disturbances that are often difficult to treat. Some professionals have argued that these disorders are not mental disorders at all, but personality styles—that these individuals are just odd or unusual. Review your textbook and a minimum of two peer-reviewed references and discuss the diagnostic and measurement challenges and issues related to personality disorders. What classification approach is currently used in the DSM? Explain this approach. Identify and discuss relevant research on the causation, diagnosis, and treatment of personality disorders. Your assignment should be at least a 2–3-page paper in Word format


You have researched the theoretical writings related to your selected mental disorder in the second part of the course project. In the third part, you have examined the practice related to the disorder.

You have conducted field research on practice related to the disorder, an interview with a mental health professional. Based on all of the information you have gathered, develop a paper that includes the following:

Describe the cause, extent, and nature of the disorder, such as number of people diagnosed and under treatment, demographics, and other factors of interest.
Explain how the selected disorder is diagnosed.
Explain how the selected disorder is treated. Be sure to include all the views on appropriate treatment and comment on diversity of views or dissent.
Differentiate the diagnosis of this disorder from those of the other disorders within the same diagnostic category.
Comment on culturally bound syndromes, cultural biases, or the interplay between assessment and diagnosis and culture.
Provide data from the professional interview completed relevantly and substantively integrating this information into the body of the paper. Provide the name of the interviewed professional with his/her credentials. Written transcripts of the interview should be recorded and submitted with the assignment (e.g. in paper as an appendices).
Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format

DUE 7-9-17

Due Sunday 9/20 – Psychology Research Paper


Psychological Disorder

Select a type of psychological disorder and a local organization that provides mental health services. The organization should service the disorder you selected.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization’s goals.

Research the organization’s website or speak to someone in the organization.

Identify multiple cultures the organization serves. Are the services different?

Identify symptoms of your selected disorder and describe how the interpretation of the symptoms varies across cultures.

Discuss how the impact of culture affects interpretations of symptoms and recommendations of services for that organization.

Include at least three credible, peer-reviewed references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Charts and Writing

Learning Activity #1

Albert Einstein was quoted as saying “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Every effective manager/leader will most likely face opposition within their own organization; however, in order to capitalize on the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses, an organization must first understand their key internal forces. An internal analysis is an opportunity for the employees within the organization to understand how what they do fits into the organization as a whole. Likewise, there are external factors that affect organizations that are often difficult to mitigate, but nonetheless critical to understand.

Using the company selected during the Week 1 discussions (Ryder System Inc.), create an abbreviated IFE and EFE chart using the format below.

EFE — Key External Factors



Weighted Score





IFE — Key Internal Factors



Weighted Score





Learning Activity #2

Once you have completed both charts from Learning Activity #1 prepare a paragraph that discusses: (1) why you chose those strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and (2) what the weighted IFE and EFE scores mean for that organization from a strategic planning point of view, i.e., where should they focus their strategic energy and resources (internally or externally) based on the overall weighted score and why.

Offer supporting rationale for your explanation and be sure to reference your statements using proper APA formatting.

DQ 1 Week 3

Provide examples of experimental and nonexperimental research design. Contrast the levels of control applied to each.

Evaluation of Corporate Performance

Evaluation of Corporate Performance
The Final Paper will involve applying the concepts learned in class to an analysis of a company using data from its annual report. Using the concepts from this course, you will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the company and write a report recommending whether or not to purchase the company stock.
The completed report should include:

An introduction to the company, including background information.
A financial statement review.
Pro Forma financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the next two fiscal years, assuming a 10% growth rate in sales and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for each of the next two years.
A ratio analysis for the last fiscal year using at least two ratios from each of the following categories:
Financial leverage
Asset management
Market value
Calculate Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.
Assess management performance by calculating Economic Value Added (EVA).
Evaluate the soundness of the company’s financial policies (e.g. capital structure, debt, leverage, dividend policy, etc.) based on the material covered during class.
A synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and rationale for whether or not to purchase stock from this company.
This report should be 15 to 20 pages long, excluding title page and reference page(s), using APA 6th edition formatting guidelines. Support your findings and recommendations with evidence from at least five scholarly sources in addition to the annual report, such as the textbook, industry reports, and articles from the Ashford University Library. Be sure to include links to websites that were used as references or to access company information.

The Final Paper

Must be 15 to 20 double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least five scholarly sources.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Standardized Recipes—Scale and Cost – Sustainable Purchasing and Controlling Costs

Standardized Recipes—Scale and Cost – Sustainable Purchasing and Controlling Costs
Week 2-Assignment 1: Standardized Recipes—Scale and Cost
Assignment Overview
For this assignment, you will build on what you have learned for the week and on work you did in W1 Assignment 2. We begin this assignment by standardizing, then scaling, and then costing out one recipe. You will repeat this process in Weeks 3 and 4, with a total of 5 recipes done by the end of the course.
Assignment Description
There are several steps and templates for this assignment. The videos will help you to complete this task.
Step 1: Choose One Recipe
Using the menu from your W1 Assignment 2, pick one entrée recipe. The recipe should include at least three ingredients and not be a ready-made product that just needs to be heated and served. You can use a recipe from any source; however, you will need to provide a copy of it. If the recipe is missing information such as the yield, you should pick another one. If you want some inspiration for recipes, explore the Foundations of Professional Cooking: A Global Approach textbook for inspiration.
Step 2: Complete Standardized Recipe Form
Using the template AI New Standardized Recipe Card, find the tab labeled “First Original Recipe.” Take your recipe from Step 1 and fill in the standardized form. Make sure you include all of the information, especially the measurements. If the original recipe lacks a measurement such as “to taste,” try to estimate it.
Please watch this video for assistance—you have just standardized your first recipe.
Step 3: Scale the Recipe for Hundred Servings
Next, we need to scale the recipe, that is, we need to increase the amounts so that the recipe serves one hundred people. For this step, open up the tab labeled “First Expanded Recipe Card.” Copy the ingredients and method section to this new tab. Then, figure out the new quantities needed for each ingredient to serve one hundred people. Save the file using the following naming convention: W2_A1_LastName_FirstInitial_Recipes.xls.
Step 4: Cost Out the Recipe
In this step, you need to cost out the recipe. Open up the template “Recipe Cost Sheet.” Using the expanded version of the standardized sheet, copy all of the ingredients to the cost sheet. Then, using Food Purchasing Order Guide, calculate the cost of the recipe. You can use worksheet, if needed, for interim calculations. If you have an ingredient that is not in the Food Purchasing Order Guide, you will need to find the information. Include a source for all of the ingredients’ pricing information. Finally, assign this dish a menu price—it can be anything to complete the calculations. Save this file as W2_A1_LastName_FirstInitial_Costs.xls.
Step 5: Submit Required Items
• A copy of the original recipe along with its source.
• The template with the original recipe standardized and scaled to serve a hundred people.
• The template with the one hundred–serving recipe costed out.
For this week, submit the assignment to the Discussion Area by Thursday, July 2, 2015. Return and help two of your fellow students with words of inspiration, critique, or other advice by the end of the week.
Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Selected an entrée recipe and transferred it into a standardized recipe template. 4
Properly converted the recipe to yield one hundred portions. 4
Included costs for each recipe ingredient. 4
Used AP and correct weight measure information in the recipe. 2
Used correct math and included formulas within the recipe. 2
Included recipe cost and portion cost for the recipe. 2
Followed MLA guidelines for writing style, spelling, grammar, and citation of sources. 4
Returned and answered questions from instructor or other students; posted comments and critiques; or helped another student. 6
Total: 28

Genotype And Phenotype

Your paper will have two parts. The first portion requires that you make an analysis of five listed traits, that are each determined by a single gene. The second portionrequires that you choose a disease state from a list of illnesses that have a multifactorial pattern of causes.

Part one : Make an assessment of your personal traits, and record the genotype with description of phenotype in the table below. These traits are determined by single genes and have a dominant and recessive form:

Tongue Rolling, ability to roll tongue in a U shape, dominant (RR or Rr)
Hand clasping, Left over right thumb crosses more comfortably, dominant (LL or Ll)
Short big toe, second toe longer than big toe, dominant (TT or Tt)
Hair form, curly dominant (KK or Kk)
Mid-digital hair, hair on any middle section of finger, dominant (HH or Hh)
Please record your genotype and phenotype for each trait in the table:



Part two : The diseases listed below are common illnesses which combined affect more than 80% of Western society. You may wish to choose one that has affected your family, or you might want to choose a disease that affects a patient you have. These diseases are thought to have several influences which control their development, at least one of which is genetic. You should research that disease using your textbook and one outside source. How is this disease inheritance different from the inheritance of a trait in part one?

Alzheimer’s disease or dementia
Birth defects
Cancer (breast, colon, lung, prostate, ovarian, and other cancers)
Heart disease or sudden heart attack
Other heart problems
High blood pressure and high cholesterol
Pregnancy losses, stillbirths, and miscarriages
Stroke or blood clots
Papers should be written using APA Style® format, including proper citation of sources. Resources on APA Style® may be found in the Course Overview. This paper should be 2-3 pages in length. See the Syllabus for specific grading criteria.

You must submit your assignment on or before 11:55 pm EST on Sunday of this week. You can resubmit your assignment if necessary, but ONLY until the due date. Points will be deducted for late submissions, and no assignments will be accepted after grading is complete and grades have been posted.

In the Attachments area below, click the Choose File button and browse the files on your computer to locate the document you wish to attach. Select the document, and then click Open . To verify your attachment, scroll to the bottom of the page and view the file name in the Attachments area. Click the Remove link if you would like to attach a different file. When you are ready to submit the file, click the Submit button.

This assignment will be submitted through Turnitin, which checks the originality of your submission against other sources. Make sure to review your Originality Report to help ensure that you are not plagiarizing. Click the colored icon next to Turnitin Report toward the top of the assignment submission page to review your Turnitin report. It may take 10-15 minutes for your report to process. Remember that you can re-submit your assignment until the deadline passes. Additionally, some of your instructors may provide feedback through Turnitin; to view this feedback, open the Turnitin report, and click on the GradeMark button at the top of the page. For more information, click here for a guide on using Turnitin.

Intergrating The Research Process

Discussion 1: Integrating the Research Process About 15 years ago before evidence-based practice became a standard to which to aspire a professor found an article describing a treatment program for substance-abusing African-American women that incorporated their children and aimed to preserve their families. The program was built around principles of African-centered theory. The professor thought the program appeared well designed and heartily urged students to study the article and possibly find ways to imitate the program ideas if not the program itself. A few years later the professor having continued her education especially in the area of research searched for a follow-up on the program perhaps reporting outcomes and evidence of effectiveness. No research evidence on the program appears in the scholarly journals. In fact no evidence that the program continues to exist at this time has been found. The fact that what appeared to be a promising practice approach did not endure or have the opportunity to benefit from evaluation is unfortunate. Note: This week you will work in groups to create a plan for evaluating the rite of passage program described in the assigned article. Each member of the group will be assigned one step of the research process: 1. Focused research questions and research hypothesis 2. Measurement 3. Analyzing data 4. Disseminating research findings To prepare for this Discussion read the Poitier et al. study and then revisit what you have learned about your assigned step of the research process. Consider what would be the most important information to share with your colleagues about that step. Together your group will create a research plan for evaluating the rite of passage program described in the assigned article. Post an explanation of your assigned step of the research process and how you would complete that step. References (use 2 or more) Poitier V. L. Niliwaambieni M. & Rowe C. L. (1997). A rite of passage approach designed to preserve the families of substance-abusing African American women. Child Welfare 76(1) 173195.


Telecommunications and Network Considerations

Telecommunications and Network Considerations
Order Description
Discussion Questions
1. What role does bandwidth play in the successful delivery of the Advanced Mobile Communications and Information System?
2 When does functionality transform the standard BlackBerry device into an Advanced Mobile Communications and Information System?
Critical Thinking Questions
3. Describe three telecommunications and network technologies used to connect the BlackBerry with other devices.
4. At this stage in the process, what actions might Sandra and Josh take to reduce the overall costs of the Advanced Mobile Communications and Information System?
The Advanced Mobile Communications and Information (AMCI) system that Sandra and Josh are developing for Whitmann Price is all about telecommunications. The devices in the system should provide both synchronous and asynchronous forms of voice and text communications for consultants. They should also provide two-way data communications for interacting with corporate information systems.
If the system uses the services of a cellular network provider, it will be confined to the bandwidth provided. A typical cellular network transfers voice and data at a maximum speed of 56 Kbps. Josh and Sandra are concerned that this narrow bandwidth will slow some electronic interchanges and leave consultants (and their clients) hanging. After researching alternatives, they found out that their cellular service offers an optional high-speed broadband access that provides speeds of up to 2 Mbps. When they meet with Matt Bollinger, their manager, they suggest that the additional quality of service is worth the additional cost of $59.99 per month per phone. Matt plans to try and negotiate a reduced corporate rate.
Josh and Sandra need to order optional features available from the cell phone provider. Besides the usual caller ID, voice mail, and text messaging services, Whitmann Price consultants want to initiate conference calls involving multiple parties using the speakerphone on their BlackBerries. This would be useful for arranging ad-hoc meetings involving consultants and clients.
The BlackBerry device they selected includes Bluetooth networking technology. Consultants can use Bluetooth to connect to a wireless headset or in-car communications system for hands-free voice communications in a personal area network (PAN). Dozens of today’s vehicles are equipped with Bluetooth technology and in-dashboard displays. The Bluetooth system automatically connects to a Bluetooth-equipped cell phone as the driver enters the vehicle, and it allows the driver to issue commands through microphones built into the dashboard or doors to establish connections, and carry out conversation using the vehicles sound system. Contact lists, to-do lists, and appointments stored on the BlackBerry can be viewed and manipulated on the in-dash display. Josh decides to look into adding this capability to company vehicles purchased in the future.
Another network technology built into the BlackBerry device lets users connect and synchronize data through a USB connection with personal computers. Whitmann Price consultants could maintain a synchronized personal information management system keeping their calendar, to-do lists, and contact lists in sync on their BlackBerries and PCs.
The BlackBerry devices can be outfitted with virtual private network (VPN) software to allow consultants to view private corporate information securely using the Internet and a Web browser. The custom-designed software running over the VPN will transform the
Fundamentals of Information Systems 4-1 Web Case
Fundamentals of Information Systems 4-2 Web Case
BlackBerry from the standard off-the-shelf service to a customized Advanced Mobile Communications and Information System. Using this connection and these services, Whitmann Price consultants can access and manipulate most of the information systems that previously could only be accessed from the office.