Define the three energy pathways. For each pathway, identify two exercises that utilize the pathway

Define the three energy pathways. For each pathway, identify two exercises that utilize the pathway. If you were training to run a marathon, which pathway would be the focal point of your training? What types of activities would you incorporate into your marathon training and why? How will an understanding of energy pathways help you in your future training endeavors?

2. Compare and contrast the body’s physiological responses to aerobic training and anaerobic training. What adaptations must the body undergo if either of the training protocols are performed exclusively for over a year? How will an understanding of aerobic and anaerobic training help you in your future training endeavors?

3. Identify six common joints in the body and list the following:

Joint name

Joint classification

Anatomical description in relation to the sternum (e.g. anterior, distal, etc.)

Example exercise / movement that utilizes the joint

In addition, identify a movement / exercise that utilizes three or more joints. List the movement / exercise as well as the joints that are involved in the movement. How will an understanding of joints help you in your future training endeavors?

4. Identify an activity that primarily utilizes type I muscle fibers. What is the typical body type of individuals who regularly perform this type of activity? How would you train the body to better perform this activity? Do the same for type IIa and type IIx muscle fibers. How will an understanding of muscle fiber types help you in your future training endeavors?

Respond with at least 500 words explaining what you think and three reasons you feel the way you do using the four-paragraph format explained in the class writing assignment directions below.

-Read “A Full-Time or Part-Time Legislature?”
-The title for Writing Assignment 2 is:  “Writing Assignment 2:  Texas Legislature Sessions”.

-These are the critical response questions for Writing Assignment 2: “Do you support or oppose the Texas Legislature changing its regular sessions from biennial, part-time sessions to annual, full-time session?  Why or why not?”
-Respond with at least 500 words explaining what you think and three reasons you feel the way you do using the four-paragraph format explained in the class writing assignment directions below.

Writing Assignment Format
-Do not use a title page.
-Set your line spacing to double spacing with no extra points of space either before or after a line.
-Insert a heading in the body (not in the header) of the first page consisting of four double-spaced lines.  On line one type your first name and last name.  On line two type “Professor Michael A. Kelley.”  On line three type “Government 2306.”  On line four type the month, day, and year you prepare your writing assignment.  The first line of your heading should be one inch from the top of the first page and all four lines should be flush with the left margin, one inch from the left side of the page.
-Center the title of the assignment one space (double spacing) below the fourth line of your heading.
-One space (double spacing) below the title and flush with the left margin write verbatim the critical response questions posed for your response.
-One space (double spacing) below the restated assignment questions begin your first paragraph with the first line indented one-half inch from the left margin.
-Paragraphs will have one space (double spacing) between them and will begin with the first sentence indented one-half inch from the left margin.
-Double space all writing.
-Use 12-point, Times New Roman, black font for all writing.
-Insert page numbers on each page, including the first page and, if used, the Works Cited page.  The page numbers will be cardinal numbers that are centered in the footer and will be 12-point Times New Roman font.
-If you are required to use a ‘Works Cited’ page it will be the last page of your writing assignment.  The format for the Works Cited page is the same as for the body of the assignment except that the first line of a cited reference will be flush with the left margin, one inch from the left side of the page, and all subsequent lines in that reference will be indented one-half inch from the left margin, 1 ½ inches from the left side of the page.  Provide one space between reference entries.
-Respond with at least 500 words of analysis to each of the two sets of questions posed for your response.  As such, you must provide at least 500 words of analysis for each class writing assignment.  Only those words stating what you think and why you feel the way you do count towards the number of words for which you will receive credit for the assignment.
-Save and submit your assignment with the document named using your first name, a space, your last name, a space, “Writing Assignment,” a space, then the writing assignment number.  For example, Joe Smith’s first writing assignment would be saved and submitted as “Joe Smith Writing Assignment 1.”
-Save and submit your assignment in either the .docx or the .rtf format.

Critical Analysis Response
-Use four paragraphs to respond the set of questions posed for your analysis.  A paragraph contains about 3-5 sentences and focuses on one main idea.  Each paragraph has a topic sentence that introduces the main idea and about 2-4 other sentences that support the topic sentence.  Your total response in these four paragraphs must contain at least 500 words of analysis.
-The first paragraph will contain four sentences.  The first sentence of this first paragraph will answer the critical analysis question posed for your response.  Each of the three remaining sentences of this first paragraph will explain one of the three reasons you feel the way you do regarding your response in the first sentence.  The last three sentences of this first paragraph will be the first (topic) sentences of the next three paragraphs, respectively.
-The second paragraph will contain about 3-5 sentences.  The first sentence of the second paragraph is the topic sentence and is the same as the second sentence of your first paragraph.  The approximately 2-4 remaining sentences should clearly explain the reason you feel the way you do regarding what you stated in the first sentence of this second paragraph.
-The third paragraph will contain about 3-5 sentences.  The first sentence of the third paragraph is the topic sentence and is the same as the third sentence of your first paragraph.  The approximately 2-4 remaining sentences should clearly explain the reason you feel the way you do regarding what you stated in the first sentence of this third paragraph.
-The fourth paragraph will contain about 3-5 sentences.  The first sentence of the fourth paragraph is the topic sentence and is the same as the fourth sentence of your first paragraph.  The approximately 2-4 remaining sentences should clearly explain the reason you feel the way you do regarding what you stated in the first sentence of this fourth paragraph.

Citation of Other Persons’ Material
-You do not have to use the original thoughts, ideas, writing, data, research, statistics, or statements of another person to respond to our class critical analysis writing assignment questions.  But, if you do use them you must use the Modern Language Association (MLA) documentation format to acknowledge your sources with brief parenthetical citations in your text and an alphabetical list of works that appears at the end of your writing assignment.
-The MLA format requires parenthetical citation in the body of the text when referring to the works of others (MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics).  This method involves placing relevant source information in parentheses after a quotation or a paraphrase.  The source information required in a parenthetical citation depends upon the source medium.  Any source information provided in-text as a parenthetical citation must correspond to the source information on the Works Cited (bibliography) page.
-According to MLA style a bibliography known as a Works Cited page is required at the end of a writing assignment in which parenthetical citation was used (MLA Works Cited Page: Basic Format).  All entries in the Works Cited page must correspond to the works cited in the body of the text.  The Works Cited page is a separate page at the end of the writing assignment that has the title “Works Cited” centered one inch below the top of the page (with no quotation marks).  The format for the Works Cited page is the same as for the body of the assignment except that the first line of a cited reference will be flush with the left margin, one inch from the left side of the page, and all subsequent lines in that reference will be indented one-half inch from the left margin, 1 ½ inches from the left side of the page.  Provide one space between reference entries.

Grammar and Writing Guidance
-Do not respond with rhetorical comments or rhetorical questions since these improperly assume your reader knows what you mean and agrees with whatever viewpoint you are trying to express.
-Do not make colloquial comments since they may not be clearly understood by your reader.
-Never use second-person pronouns such as “you,” “we,” “us,” “your,” and “our.”
-Specify to whom you are referring with a specific noun and do not state such generic terms as “person,” “people,” “one.”
-Do not qualify your viewpoint with such comments as “I think,” “I believe,” “I feel,” or “in my opinion” since it is known you are sharing what you think, believe, or feel.  Simply state your viewpoint without qualification.
-Spell each word correctly.
-Spell out an acronym when it is first used then place the acronym’s abbreviation in parentheses after the fully-spelled-out words.  Do not use an acronym for a set of words if you only use that set of words once in your writing.
-Do not begin a sentence with an abbreviation, including an acronym, or with cardinal numbers.
-Capitalize all proper nouns.
-Spell out whole numbers ten or less and use cardinal numbers for all other numerals.  Spell out any number used at the beginning of a sentence, hyphenating compound numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine.
-Never use exclamation marks in academic writing since this is the equivalent of yelling when speaking.
-Do not use contractions or abbreviations.  Spell out all words.
-Provide two spaces after a period or other concluding punctuation mark.
-A period or comma goes inside of a quotation just to the left of the second quotation mark.
-Spell out the first and last name of a person when first referenced them.  Refer to them only by their last name after that.
-Spell out “United States” when referring to the United States of America as a nation.  Use the abbreviation “U.S.” when referring to an adjective describing a noun as being affiliated with the United States of America.
-Do not end a sentence or other clause with a preposition.
-Do not quote others’ words.  Paraphrase the meaning of their words so you are stating shared information in your own words.  Paraphrasing others’ ideas requires proper citation and reference.
-Shorten statements by converting prepositional phrases to an adjective and a noun.  For example, convert “law of the state” to “state law.”
-If you reference paragraphs or concepts by number order, you must do so with all paragraphs and concepts.
-Do not use the phrases “lots of” or “a lot.”  Instead use words such as “many” or “numerous.”
-Use a hyphen between two or more words that are before a noun they modify and which act as a single idea.  This creates a compound adjective, such as “19-year-old boy” or “American-made car.”

-Place a hyphen between the numerator and denominator of written fractions, such as “two-thirds” or “three-fifths.”
-Do not use italicized words, words in all-capital letters, or quoted words to show emphasis.
-When listing items only use definitive terms or words.  As such, do not conclude a list of items with such open-ended terms or punctuation as “etc.,” “…,” “etcetera,” or “so on.”
-The term “except” does not mean “but.”
-“Who” is a subject.  “Whom” is an object.
-Use proper verb tense.
-Do not use indefinite pronouns that are impossible to verify such as “everybody,” “everyone,” “everywhere,” “everything,” “anybody,” or “anyone.”
-“Effect” is a noun.  “Affect” is a verb.
-Italicize the name of a book, newspaper, magazine, or court case.
-Place in quotation marks the name of a book chapter, newspaper article, or magazine article.
-Use “they” for “he” or “she.”  Use “their” for “his” or “hers.”
-If you state “not only” before the first clause of a compound sentence, then state “but also” before the second clause in that sentence.
-When writing a dollar figure use a dollar sign and the number.  For example, “$25 million” or “$12.50.”
-Do not qualify your thoughts and ideas with such statements as “in order” or “so that.”
-Refer to a group or to an inanimate object with the pronoun “it” and not the pronoun “they.”
-A “legislator” is a member of a state-lawmaking body.  A “legislature” is a state-lawmaking body.
-Do not use a sentence fragment, which is a set of words that does not form a complete sentence either because it does not express a complete thought or because it lacks a subject or a verb.
-Do not use a run-on sentence.  A run-on sentence is where two or more complete sentences are joined without an appropriate conjunction or punctuation mark.

Locate a scholarly article about Tricare insurance and/or medical billing

150 words minimum for each question. Reference must be in APA format. Must be searchable. Correct English grammar and punctuation.

1.Locate a scholarly article about Tricare insurance and/or medical billing. Write a detailed 2 part description/ summary of the information. Provide a reference for the article that you have found in APA formatting and make sure you cite references.

2. A patient comes to the clinic on January 1, 2016. The front desk receptionist didn’t verify the patients’ insurance because she was the only receptionist working at the time of service. Once the Medicare EOB comes back, it is filled with details and the receptionist realizes that patient didn’t have Medicare coverage at the time of service. Whenever receptionist call the patient, the patient insists that the receptionist change the date of service to December 31, 2016 in order for her insurance claim to be processed. If receptionist changes the date of service, what are some things that could happen?

3. Discuss the importance of medical documentation and what are some of the key elements that need to be present in a SOAP note? What is a SOAP note and how does is aid in insurance claims?

4. What are the differences between paper claims and electronic claims. What are some of the pros and cons of each that can affect the medical practice? List at least 3.

Public Health Nursing

Order Description
In Discussion Forum 1, please identify the forum in the subject line of your posting (e.g., “Discussion Forum 1/[Your Name]”). Post your response to the discussion topic(s) by the date indicated in the Course Calendar, and comment on at least two classmates’ responses.
Read Textbook Chapters 1 & 2 and the Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators (
Review the following videos:
This is Public Health, Nursing
Nursing: A Day in the Life, Ed
Nursing: A Day in the Life, Mary
Nursing: A Day in the Life, Sheila
Discuss how two of the HP 2020 leading health indicators are addressed in the videos and at which level of prevention (primary, secondary or tertiary) they are presented.

For posting and grading guidelines and additional help with discussion activities, please refer to the Online Discussion Rubric located in the Evaluation Rubrics area of the course website and to the Student Handbook located within the General Information area of the course website.

Use the Add a new discussion topic button to start your first posting for this activity.
ChatLive Chat

What differentiates someone that is intrinsically motivated from someone that is extrinsically motivated?

What differentiates someone that is intrinsically motivated from someone that is extrinsically motivated? Give an example of how you would go about motivating an individual who is intrinsically motivated and one who is extrinsically motivated. What are the characteristics of a performance-driven team?

Accounting 203

Accounting 203
3 cengage problems with no limit in time and attempts.
1 breakeven chart on excel

The Consensus Model For APRN Regulation

Please follow instructions carefully. Info needs to be true and correct. do not invent. Include references.

Search the Internet for the “The Consensus Model for APRN Regulation” video provided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.

Watch the video.

Write a 200 word message addressing the following:

1. What is the purpose of the consensus model for APRN regulation?

2. How do APRNs benefit from the consensus model?

3. What regulation changes do you foresee facing in your role as an APRN now that the consensus model has been established?

I need a 1 page proposal for an Ethics in Practice Paper

. I need a strong topic because it is the topic that will be used to complete the 15 page term paper that will be due on a future date. I would also like to complete all of the future steps to completing the paper with you as well. Upon them being due I will submit the assignments and have you answer them.   The instructions from the teacher is as followed:

Teacher’s instruction

Students will choose a case of real world ethical quandary in business or political administration, subject to my approval. The paper will include research about the case (What happened? Why does this case matter?) And the student’s account what mistakes were made, how ethics should have led to a different course of action and what we should learn from the case as a whole. Today I need a 1 page proposal for the paper.

Course Project: Part 2 This assignment will consist of creating an outline of the work base structure (WBS) that demonstrates the scope of your proposed project’s implementation, as seen from the perspective of a nursing informaticist. As a nurse engaged in advanced practic

Course Project: Part 2
This assignment will consist of creating an outline of the work base structure (WBS) that demonstrates the scope of your proposed project’s implementation, as seen from the perspective of a nursing informaticist. As a nurse engaged in advanced practice, it is important for you to analyze how information flows within your organization in project management. This assignment will allow you to gain experience with assessing a flow of information.
This week, you will create a mind map that illustrates the outline flow of project management for the evaluation and implementation plan for your proposed information system. The mind map must track the information system’s evaluation, planning, and implementation to the point that it will “go live.” If any task is not on the WBS, then it will not be completed within the project, so scope creep and ultimately failure of the implementation is likely to occur.
Using the systems development life cycle (SDLC), as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Test Content Outline, construct a WBS mind map outline that represents the scope of your implementation project for your chosen technology. Use the Level 2 categories on the WBS:
Systems planning
Systems analysis
Systems design, development, and customization
System and functional testing
System implementation, evaluation, maintenance, and support
You need to include the mind map of WBS in your presentation of course project, which is due in Week 5.
Select mind map software that you should be able to use to map out the process while adding in descriptors, which define your process from the point of entry to completion. You can use any of the following freeware mind mapping tools to create the mind map for your project: (
CmapTools (
Edistorm (
Edraw Mindmap ( mind.php)
Ekpenso ( ekpenso-simple-mind-map-creato r/)
Freeplane (http://freeplane.sourceforge. net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page)
Mindomo ( ( (
Stixy (
Text 2 Mind Map (
WiseMapping (
XMind (
Be sure to utilize YouTube instructional videos and tutorials on the web to assist you with the professional appearance and completion of your mind map. When your map is finalized, save it as an image so that it can be inserted into your Word document for submission.
Constructed a WBS mind map outline that represents the scope of your implementation project for your proposed technology in Week 1, using the Level 2 categories on the WBS:
Systems planning
Systems analysis
Systems design, development, and customization
System and functional testing
System implementation, evaluation, maintenance, and support
Illustrated the outline flow of project management for the evaluation and implementation plan for your proposed information system.
Tracked the information system evaluation, planning, and implementation to the point of “go live” of the system.

Briefly describe the two evidence-based research articles you selected from the Walden Library. Include how each relates to professional collaboration.

For scholars in human services, the ability to analyze and evaluate what you read in research literature is a key skill. Not every study is a good study, making it important to be able to identify and separate a poor study from a quality study that contributes to the body of knowledge in the field. For this Assignment, review the media program “Evaluating Online Resources,” and select two evidence-based research articles from the Walden Library databases that relate to professional collaboration. Consider the quality of the articles, including whether the articles apply to your area of interest.

To complete this Assignment:

Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:

Briefly describe the two evidence-based research articles you selected from the Walden Library. Include how each relates to professional collaboration.

Compare the extent to which the research articles apply to the professional collaboration of human services professionals in your particular area of interest.

Explain how you, as a human services professional, might personally use the research articles to inform your practice.

Reminder: Proper formatting and APA citations are required.

The resource that is needed for this assignment will be found at the info below:

Walden University. (2013). Evaluating online resources. Retrieved from