“Patient Rights and HIV / AIDS”

“Patient Rights and HIV / AIDS” Please respond to the following:

• * From the scenario, analyze the concept of patients’ rights, and ascertain the key concerns of physicians and nurses as they apply to patients with AIDS. Speculate on the major ways in which such overlapping concerns from health professionals may influence legal decisions in patient treatment.

• Summarize the overarching connections between patients’ rights and patients’ resulting responsibilities concerning HIV / AIDS. Determine the primary ways in which the professional roles that physicians and nurses play are affected as they treat patients with HIV / AIDS.


Financial vs. Managerial Managers


Financial vs. Managerial Managers

Describe the type of role you would like to have in health financial management. Would you prefer to be a managerial accountant or financial manager? Why?


Compare and contrast the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research

Your paper is to be based on current literature, standards of practice, core competencies, and certification bodies for your chosen role. Criteria:
• Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing:

o Compare and contrast the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research.

• Selected Advanced Practice Role (Nurse Practitioner):
Examine regulatory and legal requirements for North Carolina in which you plan to practice.
Describe the professional organizations available for membership based on a Nurse Practitioner.
Identify required competencies, including certification requirements for your Nurse Practitioner.

Predict the organization and setting, population, and colleagues with whom you plan to work. (Setting: Hospital – Emergency Room, Population: Adult, Colleagues: MD, DO, PA & NP)

• Leadership Attributes of the Advanced Practice Role:
o Determine your leadership style

(https://psychology.about.com/library/quiz/bl-leadershipquiz.htm). (Democratic Leadership Style) (I will upload a paper on the democratic leadership style I submitted).

o Identify leadership attributes you currently possess, and attributes you may need to develop.
o Determine how to attain and evaluate those missing attributes.

• Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role
• Visit the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

(https://www.rwjf.org/en/about-rwjf/newsroom/features-and-articles/health-policy.html) and identify a health policy issue. Conduct a review of literature and address the following:

Describe the current policy and what needs to change; justify your conclusions with citations from the literature.
Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest.
Explain how you could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy.
Predict the effect on healthcare quality if the change in policy is implemented.

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workforce diversity on job satisfaction

Unit 2 Assignment

Assignment: Job Satisfaction

Marla Santigo is an accountant for at Lemnah Company. Marla loves her job and spends countless hours working at the office. She enjoys working on taxes and reviewing financial records. Being an accountant was her dream and she reached hers goal after going to school evenings and weekends. Every morning she cannot wait to get to the office.

Darell Washington is a Quality Control Agent for an insurance company. He investigates potential fraud cases. He travels all over the United States investigating cases. He spends more time traveling then home. He has been doing this job for 10 years and feels the need for change. He no longer likes to be away from his family. He feels the company is full of politics and does not respect employees.

Mike Walker is a retail store manager for Outdoor Inc. He believes in the quality products his store sells. He comments that retail is a tough business but enjoys a challenge. He enjoys seeing the new products come into the store every season. His employees remark that Mike is a great manager and passionate about his job. He makes himself available to employees on days off and can often be found in the store during his vacation. Lately though, he is feeling stressed due to the demands from corporate about daily sales. He wants to succeed and get promoted but feels helpless because last quarter’s sales were down.

Working more than 40 hours, constant travelling, and being available 24 hours a day seven days a week can be a challenge to most people. This can leave them feeling stressed and burned out. However, some people find this exhilarating and thrive on the demands of the job and cannot wait for the next challenge.


Address the following questions in your 2—3 page essay adding an additional title and references page:

There are three parts to an essay: Introduction, body, and summation.

· The first paragraph* or two introduces the reader to the topic of your paper.

· The body of the paper will address the questions in this particular assignment paper. Explain how the characteristics of the jobs mentioned might increase job satisfaction in general. Then provide an explanation concerning the 3 individuals’ job satisfaction and how it might relate to their job performance, their citizenship behavior, turnover and finally the company profit.

· You should finish your paper with a final paragraph or two regarding a summary of what you determined and explained in the body of your paper.

* Remember to use at least 3 to 4 sentences in each paragraph.

The three employees and their jobs at three different companies considered are:

Marla- Accountant; Darell- Quality Control Manager for an insurance company; and Mike, Retail Store Manager for an outdoor products company.

1. What characteristics of these jobs might contribute to increased levels of job satisfaction?

2. What characteristics of these jobs might contribute to decreased levels of job satisfaction?

3. The three individuals we just read about have different levels of satisfaction with their jobs, how might their levels of satisfaction relate to:

C. their job performance

C. citizenship behavior

C. turnover

C. company profit

Please submit your minimum APA formatted and citation styled 2–3 pages of body text, and include an additional title and references page.

Directions for submitting your Assignment:

Before you submit your Assignment, you should save your work using the correct naming convention: Last_first Name_Homework_Unit #.

Make sure your Assignment is in Microsoft Word, doubled spaced and 12 pt. font in Times New Roman. Then, when you are ready, you may submit on the Dropbox page.

Access an employee job satisfaction survey from SHRM®. Access the rubric.

Describe at least one situation in which you demonstrated professionalism in nursing, explaining how your behavior in the situation is different than it would have been without your additional education from this RN to BSN program.

1) How is professionalism being demonstrated?
Post an APA citation and a descriptive summary of the article you located addressing professionalism.
2) How do you exhibit professionalism in your daily work?
Describe at least one situation in which you demonstrated professionalism in nursing, explaining how your behavior in the situation is different than it would have been without your additional education from this RN to BSN program.

Develop an Organizational Communication Plan

Create a powerpoint presentation
Powerpoint presentation is for Fictitious Board Members of a Long Term Care Organization
1. Present a Communication Plan that outlines how the change will be communicated to all levels of the organization:
2. Inegrate Steps in Article (attached) Studying organizational change in terms of type, diagnosis, process and intervention. To Outline powerpoint presentation
Presentation headings
a. Executive Summary
i. describe the event(s )have occurred to get the organization to the change
ii. organizational realignment will enable what changes
iii. What business outcomes does this change connect to?
iv. What are the benefits of the communicating this change
v. What are potential downsides of communicating this change
b. •Integrated Change Management Model
c. Communications Approach
d. Change Management Strategy and Plan of Activities
e. Communications Strategy and Plan
f. Communications Planning Timelines –create a timeline
g. Organization Departments
i. Technology
ii. Clinical
iii. Operations
iv. Reimbursement
v. Local Business Units – Nursing Homes

Health Care Case 3 Assignment

Required Reading

Berke, D. M. (2016). Drive-by-doctoring: Contractual issues and regulatory solutions to increase patient protection from surprise medical bills. American Journal of Law and Medicine, 42(1), 170-189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0098858816644720

Computers, software; minimizing Medicare fraud internally. (2015). State & Local Health Law Weekly, 23.

DuBois, J. M., Walsh, H. A., Chibnall, J. T., Anderson, E. E., Eggers, M. R., Fowose, M., & Ziobrowski, H. (2017). Sexual violation of patients by physicians: A mixed-methods, exploratory analysis of 101 cases. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. ePub. Retrieved from: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1079063217712217

Hospitals sued: Claims of sexual abuse, harassment. (2016, April 1) Healthcare Risk Management, 38(4). Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Kim, C. J. (2014). The trial of Conrad Murray: Prosecuting physicians for criminally negligent over-prescription. American Criminal Law Review 51(517). Retrieved from: http://www.americancriminallawreview.com/files/3214/0943/7056/Kim.pdf

Licensed professional counselors sentenced for roles in $9.5 million fraudulent billing health care fraud scheme to siphon and steal money from workers’ compensation program. (2016). Lanham: Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc.

New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners imposes 5-year suspension on former prison doctor whose ‘gross negligence’ contributed to the death of state prison inmate in 2009 (2016, Aug 04). US Fed News Service. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Showalter, J. S. (2015) Chapter 1: The Anglo-American legal system. In The law of healthcare administration. Chicago: Health Administration Press.

Showalter, J. S. (2015) Chapter 15: Fraud laws and corporate compliance. In The law of healthcare administration. Chicago: Health Administration Press.

Teegardin, C., Robbins, D., Ernsthausen, J., & Hart, A. (2016) Doctors & sexual abuse. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Retrieved from: http://doctors.ajc.com/

U.S. Department of Justice (2016, July 6). Dental management company Benevis and its affiliated Kool Smiles Dental Clinics to pay $23.9 million to settle False Claims Act allegations relating to medically unnecessary pediatric dental services. Retrieved from: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/dental-management-company-benevis-and-its-affiliated-kool-smiles-dental-clinics-pay-239

Optional Reading

Benevis, Kool Smiles to pay $23.9 million in settlement with Department of Justice. (2018, Jan 12). ADA News. Retrieved from https://www.ada.org/en/publications/ada-news/2018-archive/january/benevis-kool-smiles-to-pay-239-million-in-settlement-with-department-of-justice

Dance, S. (2014, Sep 03) Dando won’t face trial: Sexual assault charges dropped; doctor gives up his state license. The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Metrick, B. (2017, Mar 02). Doctor guilty of sexual assault, drugging. Public Opinion. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Sanderson, S. (2018, Jan 26) Casper doctor found guilty of sexually assaulting patients. Casper Star Tribune. Retrieved from: http://trib.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/casper-doctor-found-guilty-of-sexually-assaulting-patients/article_e323fd54-ad21-5681-a70e-639d589274f0.html#tracking-source=home-top-story-1

Temecula doctor convicted of 25 charges in sexual assault case. (2017, March 1). Temecula Patch.Retrieved from: https://patch.com/california/temecula/temecula-doctor-convicted-25-charges-sexual-assault-case

Twohey, M. (2010, Apr 30) Women charged rape; doctor still practiced: Since 2000, 7 women have accused Dr. Bruce Sylvester Smith of sexual assault. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from: http://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/health/chi-100430doctor-story.html


The 2018 trial of gymnastics doctor Dr. Larry Nassar has shone a light on sexual abuse and misconduct by medical professionals. After reviewing the background literature, discuss the following in a 3- to 5-page paper.

Choose a case focused on assault and/or sexual abuse from the background readings or from your own research and provide a brief synopsis of the case and the outcome.

After reviewing State Report Cards, provide an analysis of the current state of protections for victims as well as penalties for perpetrators. Be sure to provide specific examples to support your analysis.

State report cards retrieved from: Datar, S. (2016). State report cards: How well does your state protect patients? The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Retrieved from: http://doctors.ajc.com/states/

What are the ethical responsibilities of other professionals (colleagues, medical boards, employers, etc.) who may be aware of improper conduct by a medical provider? Be sure to discuss ethical principles covered earlier in the course.

Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.

Limit your response to a maximum of 3-5 pages.

Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources, and use at least 3 references. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php and for evaluating internet sources:


You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

The purpose of the Introduction is to identify your topic, explain why it is important, review past research relevant to your topic, and explain the purpose of your present study. In an Introduction, include the following

I need an intro, for my topic is the relationship between the exercise time and the quality of the sleep.

1) Introduction

The purpose of the Introduction is to identify your topic, explain why it is important, review past research relevant to your topic, and explain the purpose of your present study. In an Introduction, include the following:

· Introduce topic and address importance of studying topic

· Review past research

o Refer to all five of your scholarly articles directly here in proper APA style (use a thematic, rather than article-by-article, organization).

o Review each source briefly, focusing on what was done and what was found. The amount of detail included in this section will be much briefer than that included in your article summaries (because of space constraints).

o Passages of text may be bulleted, but you should write your Introduction in complete sentences.

· State purpose of your study

The article Intelligence explosion: Evidence and import reviews the indication for and in contradiction of three assertions on artificial intelligence


Muehlhauser, Luke, and Anna Salamon. “Intelligence explosion: Evidence and import.” Singularity Hypotheses. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. 15-42.

The article Intelligence explosion: Evidence and import reviews the indication for and in contradiction of three assertions on artificial intelligence: that one, a substantial chance exists that human-level Artificial Intelligence will be developed before 2100; two, in case human level Artificial Intelligence is developed, a significant chance exists that massively superhuman Artificial Intelligence systems will follow through a massive “intelligence explosion,” ; and that three, an uninhibited Artificial Intelligence explosion might lead to erosion of human values, nonetheless a regulated Artificial Intelligence expansion could benefit humankind immensely if it is achieved. The implications of the article are significant in outlining how sanctions for increase in regulated intelligence explosion comparative to an unregulated Artificial Intelligence explosion is essential.

Muehlhauser, Luke, and Louie Helm. “The singularity and machine ethics.” Singularity Hypotheses. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. 101-126.

The article articulates how self-improving AI (Artificial Intelligence) may end up prevailing than human input that it would not be possible to prevent the Artificial Intelligence from accomplishing its objectives. In which case, if the Artificial Intelligence’s object differs from humanity’s, then the case may well be catastrophic for humankind. The article also explores a proposal resolution which is to engineer the Artificial Intelligence’s object system to serve the wants of humans before the Artificial Intelligence self improves outside mankind’s capability to control them. Through a series of perception drives, from moral philosophy, it outlines how human values and wants are complex facets which are difficult to specify. The assessment provided by the article is important as it demarcates using partiality value and ethics theories as a potential tactic for creating an Artificial Intelligence ethics appropriate for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI) explosion.

Bostrom, Nick, and Eliezer Yudkowsky. “The ethics of artificial intelligence, In the Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, eds. William Ramsey and Keith Frankish.” (2011).

The Prospect of development of machines with thinking capability instigates a debate of several ethical questions. Such ethical issues encompass both the safeguards that ensure Artificial Intelligence based machines do not cause harm to humankind and all moral appropriate existences, and the safeguarding of the machines moral relevance. The article explores in its discussion the questions that may come up in the near future in relation to Artificial Intelligence. It outlines complex challenges that may face attempts to ensure that Artificial Intelligence Functions safely as it develops towards human-level intelligence. The article is important in highlighting how the Artificial Intelligence can be assessed (whether, and in which situations), the Artificial Intelligence has moral status. In essence, this demonstrates a consideration of the difference between Artificial Intelligence and Natural Intelligence with respect to etical issues of their determinations.

Omohundro, Stephen M. “The basic AI drives.” AGI. Vol. 171. 2008.

It is conceivable that Artificial Intelligence structures with harmless objectives will not be harmful to humans. The article contrastingly demonstrates that Artificial Intelligence based machines will have to be cautiously designed to avert the systems from acting in ways that are harmful. Identifying the determinations (drives) that will likely be included in future sufficiently advanced Artificial Intelligence systems (systems of any type of design), it demarcates them as drives, inclinations that will be incorporated in the AI systems unless explicitly countered. The article is important because it illustrates how objective-driven systems might have determinations to regulate their own operations and to self-advance. It also highlights how self-advancing systems will be determined to make clear their objectives and denote their goals as economic utility functions.

Soares, Nate, and Benya Fallenstein. “Agent Foundations for Aligning Machine Intelligence with Human Interests: A Technical Research Agenda.” The Technological Singularity. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2017. 103-125.

Intelligence represent one facet of humankind that has given it a dominating lead over all the other species in its environment. The article outlines how unchecked progress in artificial intelligence systems may result in Artificial Intelligence systems ultimately exceeding people in universal reasoning capacity (super intelligent system). A super intelligent system in that, the Artificial Intelligence systems may advance to be smarter than humans in virtually all fields. According to the article, this might have a vast impact on humanity. Comparable to ways that natural intelligence has facilitated humans in developing strategies and tools for colonizing their environment, super intelligent systems would possibly be able to develop tools and strategies for exercising control. The article is significant because it outlines Artificial Intelligence potential, defining essential approaches that should be considered in developing Artificial Intelligence systems that can surpass human intelligence level, or systems that can enable the manufacture of such structures.

United States. Executive Office of the President. “Artificial intelligence, automation, and the economy.” (2016).

The report outlines how development in Artificial Intelligence systems and related grounds have unlocked new market niches and vast prospects for improvement in essential fields such as the environment, social welfare, economic inclusion, energy, education and health. It illustrates how recent years, have demonstrated that machines can surpass humans in the performance of some tasks associated with intelligence, for instance features of image recognition. The article outlines that the rapid progress of artificial intelligence use will continue, reaching and perhaps exceeding human performances in more and more task functions. The article is important in demonstrating how artificial intelligence has been harnessed for progression in economic expansion.

Yudkowsky, Eliezer. “Artificial intelligence as a positive and negative factor in global risk.” Global catastrophic risks 1.303 (2008): 184.

The article Artificial intelligence as a positive and negative factor in global risk, explores the misconceptions associated with the understanding of Artificial Intelligence, with respect to negative and positive risk implications. The article outlines how the critical inference of such misconceptions are not based on the complexity of Artificial intelligence, but rather on the reason that individuals perceive to know more about AI than they essentially do. The article is significant in that it outlines an unbiased perspective of examining positive and negative risk implications of Artificial intelligence.

What are descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? How do they compare and contrast? Provide examples of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

This is an assessment. NO PLAGARISM!!!!!!

1. What are descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? How do they compare and contrast? Provide examples of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

2. What are basic service classifications and how can understanding these classifications be important to data collection and statistics? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

a. endometriosis

b. hemophilia

c. ventricular tachycardia

3. What is ambulatory care and how does it differ from traditional residential care? Why are current trends in ambulatory care important to statistically monitor and evaluate? Please provide examples. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

4. What is the importance of Government Data Collection? What departments might be associated in the gathering of public data? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.