Learning Objectives:

Lab 1: To Chirp or Not to Chirp? That is lathe Question.

lab report google link:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KUla3Hrmm2gtoq7TM7uMmNqMSmDSc6tmgQiIG6Yhfx8/edit#

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lab you will be able to:

Describe how logic plays a role in experimental design.

Identify variables in an experiment.

Develop logical hypotheses, prediction statements, and conclusions.


Your task in this lab is to explore the process of scientific inquiry by investigating the reason and timing of cricket chirps using an online tutorial that was developed by Glendale Community College in Glendale, AZ that will allow you to review steps of the Scientific Method and design your own experiment. To begin, open this interactive website on the Scientific Method:


Tutorial Analysis Questions

Click on the “Tutorial” button at the bottom of the screen to begin. Following the instructions provided in the introduction, complete the entire tutorial and then answer the questions below. It is highly recommended that if you do not answer the questions in the tutorial correctly, repeat the exercises until you get it correct.

Please Note:

There is a glitch in the tutorial. When you get to the flower logic problem, do not select the box labeled “White White” as your first selection. The solution the tutorial gives you when you select this box is incomplete.

Were you able to solve the first logic problem about flowers in the box? Briefly your initial thought process as you decided which labels belong on which box (even if you did not guess correctly on your first try).

How did you do in the tutorial portion of the activity? Did you carefully read the questions or make assumptions that led to selecting the incorrect answers? Describe what you learned about your analytical skills in this exercise.

Cricket Experiment Setup

In this activity, you will be given 5 potential experiments to run to test the reason that crickets chirp. Your task is to test all 5 of the experimental conditions to test, collect your data, and draw conclusions based on your experimental results. To be most efficient with your time, answer the questions below as you go.

Record the BEST problem statement provided in the activity:

How do crickets make their chirping sounds?

Record the laboratory conditions that have been recreated to simulate the cricket’s habitat:

Air Temperature: _______________ C

Atmospheric Pressure: __________________ mm

Number of crickets nearby:_______________

Wind Speed:_______________ m/sec

Cricket Chirps:_______________ per minute

For the factor you believe to be the most plausible, identify the following components:

What is your hypothesis?

What is your independent variable?

What is your dependent variable?

What are all the controlled variables?

Data Collection

Perform the experiments, testing every hypothesis made available to you. Collect at least 5 data points for each hypothesis. Record your data in the tables below. Regardless of which hypothesis you believe to be the most likely, you must still collect at least 5 data points for all 5 hypotheses.

Effect of Nearby Crickets on Chirp Rate

Effect of Atmospheric Pressure on Chirp Rate

Effect of Wind Speed on Cricket Chirp Rate

Number of nearby crickets

Chirp Rate (Chirps/min)


(mm Hg)

Chirp Rate (Chirps/minute)

Wind Speed (m/sec)

Chirp Rate (Chirps/minute)


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If you think you are up to the task

Healthcare Discussion 3

Your comments will be graded on how well they meet the Discussion Requirements posted under “Before You Begin.”

Make sure to review the E-learning course – Introduction to public health surveillance presentation.

The Introduction to public health surveillance presentation identified 7 uses of public health surveillance. Identify two uses that relate to epidemiology of diseases.
Discuss descriptive epidemiology aspect of disease surveillance.
Discuss the three main observational study designs, if you are to conduct an observational study of a population grouped into smokers and non-smokers. Which of the three main study designs would you use and why? Please provide in-text citation(s) to support your point of view.

Blueprint For Professional And Personal Growth

As you begin this assignment, review the broad range of topics presented throughout the course related to leadership and followership. For this Individual Reflection, select concepts or topics that resonated with you during this course and commit to learning more about them. Consider the following:

What can you do now to integrate the experiences and insights you had in this course with your personal and professional development goals?

What are the most important things you are taking from this course that will shape your future and enable you to make a positive difference?

Both components of the assignment should be turned in as one document:

The Executive Summary:

Write an Executive Summary of the course to date (2–3 paragraphs) that addresses the following questions:

Which content and assignments in this course most helped you better understand the roles of leadership and followership within your organization (or one with which you are familiar), and what impact have they had, or do you anticipate they will have, on the value you will bring to your role within an organization?

How have the content and assignments changed the way you think about leadership and followership and the way you will practice these skills?

How have the content and assignments shaped your goals?

How has the content help you appreciate the role leaders and followers have in achieving positive social change within an organization, a community, or on a larger scale?

Your action plans:

Write a detailed action plan for at least three goals. One of the goals should be the one you submitted for the Week 7 Shared Practice. These action plans should include the following:

Your three specific goals for professional and personal development with an explanation as to why you selected each goal. For each goal, be sure to provide concrete and specific examples of why the goal is important,; the extent to which each goal enables you to be an agent for positive social change; the personal or professional value you expect from achieving each goal, and how the goal relates to the resources you reviewed in the course until now.

At least two objectives for each goal you have identified. Provide a rationale that explains how your objectives support the goal.

At least two measurable milestones for each objective you identified as well as the time lines for ensuring progress for each milestone.

A reasonable time line for ensuring progress toward your stated goals, with an explanation as to why your time line is reasonable. (Hint: Revisit the interactive media piece Action Plan and use the “Action Plan Worksheet” to help you develop the action plan for each goal. You may also want to review the CareerBoost Forum and Resources for this course as you think about your goals, objectives, and milestones. If you have not visited the MBA Resources link within the Career Center. You can find this by clicking on the Career Boost tool link found in the Forum.)

Be sure to include appropriate citations in your executive summary and action plans. Both components should be submitted as one document. This is a good time to refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style as you finalize your Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth to ensure that your paper is in the proper format and that you are properly citing and referencing your sources. Assignment must be written at Graduate Level

supply chain disruption in logistics

Question 1: Describe two or three examples of a supply chain disruption in logistics. How would a company mitigate risk in each case?

Question 2: Why is Customer Relationship Management important? Provide examples of how CRM can add value to both customers and suppliers.

Question 3: Hotels, hospitals, and restaurants are all service based industries. Choose one and explain how supply chain management principles apply.

Question 4: Select a product from one company. Which dimension of service quality is most important, and why?

suicide prevention program.

As a passionate psychiatry nurse, I picked my executive summary to be a suicide prevention program. Deaths by suicide have risen across the United States as reported by the Center for Disease Control in 2017. Suicide deaths are considered a crisis in the Mental Health profession. Suicide is not biased. It affects Caucasians, Africa-Americans, Indian, etc. It also affects the young, middle age, and elderly. According to the CDC, over 45,000 reported suicides occurred in 2016 in the United States. Suicide was ranked the tenth

leading cause of death.

There needs to be more programs for suicide prevention that is readily available and ready to help. The State of Alabama has a suicide hotline and several programs but they are in the big cities and that is not feasible for people who live an hour or two away. There needs to be more help all people who suffer mental illnesses.

Comment 2

I would like to describe differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice when discussing nurse-staffing ratios. This is a big issue in the country because aside from California, legally mandated nurse-staffing ratios do not exist. When it is discussed in the hospital now, nursing supervisors discourage it by telling nurses that it is not all it’s cracked up to be. Some hospitals can go under due to the need to staff appropriately. When talking to a nurse who has worked under both situations, she has said that the cost of healthcare ends up declining in a good way because nurses are making less overworked mistakes and patient-satisfaction is up. This can be the big difference between managers and leaders in the big picture of things. Managers will listen to nursing complaints of being overworked beyond safe circumstances and the manager will simply say, “this is what you signed up for when you became a nurse,” like we’re soldiers complaining about being shot at when we chose to be a soldier. We signed up for nursing to care for patients and participate in the optimization of their help. Leaders will listen to nursing complaints and ask themselves what can they do to help. At the end of the day, if more people were leaders, nursing shortages may not exist. Nurses would be happier and stay in their positions longer.

Scientific inquiry in biology

Background: Scientific inquiry in biology
starts by observing the living species around us. Science is a way
of knowing. It is not the only way, but it is a good way. Other
ways of knowing include mathematics, logic, history, philosophy,
and theology.
What separates science from the other methods of seeking truth
is that it is testable (i.e. one can devise experiments to test the
validity of an idea); it is falsifiable (i.e. an experiment can
reveal if an idea is false); and, it involves natural causality
(i.e. the method involves and depends upon the natural laws of the
universe which cause things to happen in a predictable and
repeatable manner.)
Observation: Scientific inquiry begins when
something interesting gets your attention.
Question: Following an observation, a question
arises in your mind. It may be something like: “I wonder what…?
Or “I wonder how …? Or, “I wonder why…?
Assignment details:
In this assignment, we will take a look at science and the
scientific method. Then, you will design a (pretend) scientific
study to answer a specific question based upon an observation.
First, choose ONE of the following Observations
Option A:
Observation: During the winter, you spread salt
daily on your driveway to melt the snow. In the springtime, when
the lawn begins to grow, you notice that there is no grass growing
for about 3 inches from the driveway. Furthermore, the grass seems
to be growing more slowly up to about 1 foot from the driveway.
Question: Might grass growth be inhibited by
Option B:
Observation: Your neighbor added a farmer’s
porch to his house and painted the ceiling of it blue. When you
asked him why, he told you he had read that the sky blue ceiling
would fool wasps into thinking it was the sky and they would not
build any nests under the eaves of the porch or along the
Question: Would a blue ceiling really deter
wasps from building nests on the porch?
Option C:
Observation: When taking a hike, you notice
that a ruby-throated hummingbird seems interested in your red hat.
It hovers over the hat and then darts away.
Question: Do ruby-throated hummingbirds prefer
some colors more than others when visiting flowers?
After choosing ONE of the above options
(observation and question), you will do some library /Internet
research about the subject. Once you have become familiar with the
topic, propose a testable hypothesis to answer the question; and,
follow the rest of scientific method to determine if your
hypothesis is correct by designing a controlled experiment.
You will not actually do the experiment or collect
results. Rather you will propose a workable controlled experiment
and make up what would seem to be reasonable results. You will then
discuss those imagined results and draw a conclusion (based upon
your imagined results) about whether or not to accept your
Complete the steps of the scientific method for your
choice of observation and question using the directions below. Use
these headings in your paper, please.
The Introduction is an investigation of what is currently known
about the question being asked. Before one proposes a hypothesis or
dashes off to the lab to do an experiment, a thorough search is
made in the existing literature about the specific question and
about topics related to the question. Once one is familiar with
what is known about the question under consideration, one is in a
position to propose a reasonable hypothesis to test the
This is an educated guess, or “best” guess, about what might be
the explanation for the question asked. A hypothesis should be a
one sentence statement (not a question) that can be tested in an
experiment. The ability to test a hypothesis implies that it has a
natural, repeatable cause.
What do you predict as an outcome for the controlled experiment
(i.e. results) if the hypothesis is true? This should be in the
form of an “If…….., then……….” statement.
Controlled Experimental Method:
The hypothesis is tested in a controlled experiment. A
controlled experiment compares a “Control” (i.e.
the normal, unmodified, or unrestricted, or uninhibited set-up,
based on the observation) to one or several
“Experimental” set-ups. The conditions in the
experimental set-ups are identical to the Control in every way,
e.g. temperature, composition, shape, kind, etc.,
except for the one Experimental variable that is being
tested. The results obtained from the Experimental set-ups will be
compared to each other and to those obtained from the Control. If
done correctly, any differences in the results may be attributed to
the Experimental variable under consideration.
When designing an experiment, it is important to use multiples,
(i.e. replicates), for each set-up, to avoid drawing the wrong
conclusion. If the experiment only has one control and only one
experimental set up with just one test subject in each, there is
always the chance that a single living organism (test subject)
could get sick or even die for reasons not caused by the
experimental variable. And, because living organisms are
genetically different, the results from just one test subject in a
given set up may not be typical for the species as a whole. This
could result in errors when interpreting the results. This kind of
problem is avoided by using multiple controls and multiple
experimental set-ups with multiple test subjects.
Be sure to provide sufficient details in your method
section so that someone could reproduce your experiment.
The experimental method section should also state clearly how
data (numbers) will be collected during the experiment which will
be used to compare results in each test set up.
Since this is a “thought experiment,” you will make up results
according to what you think might happen if you actually did the
Results should include detailed raw data (numbers) rather than
just a summary of the results. For example, if data are collected
daily for five weeks, results should include the actual data from
each day, and not just a summary of what happened at the end of the
five weeks. Recorded results should match the experimental
In this section, state clearly whether you reject or accept the
hypothesis based on the (pretend) results. Discuss what this means
in terms of the hypothesis, such as the need for additional
experiments, or the practical uses or implications of the
Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list
and in-text citations for references used in the Introduction
Give your paper a title and number and identify each section as
specified above. Although the hypothesis and prediction will be one
sentence answers, the other sections will need to be paragraphs to
adequately explain your experiment.

Read the case study below then discuss your plan of nursing care for the client in essay format usingthe core principles of holism and person centred care.

Detail the ongoing nursing care interventions required to ensure Mr Jarvis’s needs are attended to and provide rationales under specific headings, e.g. hygiene needs. You will need to specify which component of the holistic model you are addressing with each care need. Hint: this could entail more than one holistic principle (Fig 1-4 page 13, Dempsey, Hillege, and Hill, 2015). You should address no less than 7 nursing considerations for this section.

For example:

Nursing care intervention: Mobilisation with assistance.
Assessment of general ease of movement and gait (body)
Mr Jarvis’s increased confidence with mobility and willingness to mobilise (mind)

Case study
Mr Thomas Jarvis, a 78 year old gentleman has made the decision to move into an aged care facility after being assessed by the Aged Care Assessment team (ACAT) following the recent death of his wife Matilda. Mr Jarvis has three adult children and five grandchildren.

Mr Jarvis is a longstanding asthmatic with a history of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and hypertension. Two months previous to taking up residence, Mr Jarvis had a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) requiring hospitalisation and six weeks rehabilitation. Following the CVA, Mr Jarvis has experienced difficulty communicating due to dysphasia. Whilst there is no problem with Mr Jarvis’s comprehension, he becomes frustrated at times at his inability to communicate.

Mr Jarvis has a right sided hemiparesis and requires assistance with activities of daily living (ADL). Mr Jarvis has also indicated that he is constipated and has not had his bowels opened for the past two days.

Mr Jarvis mobilises using a 4 wheel walker and has recently sustained a 3cm long skin tear to his right leg. He is a non-smoker, non-drinker, wears prescription glasses for both reading and distance vision and suffers mild hearing loss.

As the student nurse you admit Mr Jarvis to the facility and gain the following objective data:

· Temperature: 36.80C

· Pulse: 80bpm

· Respirations: 22rpm at rest with increasing breathlessness upon mobilising

· BP: 145/85mmHg

· SpO2: 94% on room air

· Pain Assessment: Mr Jarvis indicates he has pain in his knees: 0/10 at rest, 4/10 on walking.

· Weight: 90kg

· Height: 175cm

· Urinalysis: SG 1015 PH 7 NAD

Part 2: Using the date ‘17th April, 2016’ complete the following documentation using data supplied. These documents will become the appendices in the assignment.

Q-adds chart
SOAP progress notes

Nursing Documentation – Use SOAP framework to record in progress notes from admission.

Draw your information to a close by summarising key points.

You will be required to reference your rationales, e.g. (Dempsey, Hillege, and Hill, 2015, p 945).
You will be required to use at least four references one of which would be your text and at least two peer reviewed journals.
Make sure all references are cited using APA format.

Attach the documentation/ charts here.

The assignment represents 50% of the course mark.
Construct the assignment utilising three distinct sections – introduction, body and conclusion utilisingacademic writing structure.
Please write to the included rubric.
Word Limit 2000 words + or – 10%
Submit via Study desk link (only) – NO emailed copies or hard copies accepted.
Referencing is APA6 as per USQ library guidelines.
You are required to keep an appropriate copy of your assessment (electronic or hard copy). In case of misadventure you are responsible to supply a copy on request.
No cover page required, however ensure your name and student number are on each page.


Dempsey,J. Hillege,S.&Hill,R. (Eds). (2014).Fundamentalsofnursingandmidwifery:a person-centredapproachto care.(SecondAustralianandNewZealandedition).Sydney,NSW. LippincottWilliams&Wilkins.

Marking Rubric

Grade Description of Grade
High Distinction

This assignment commands attention because of its insightful development and mature style. The response to the assignment task is convincing and elaborated upon with well-chosen and correctly referenced examples. It is written with aptly chosen words, effectively constructed sentences and a keen observation of the conventions of written English.

This assignment provides a thoughtful and well-reasoned response to the assignment task with appropriate and correctly referenced examples. The sentences are constructed and words chosen to communicate clearly to the reader. The conventions of written English have been well observed.

This assignment provides a competently reasoned response to the assignment task with some appropriate and mostly correctly referenced examples. The sentence structure and choice of words have sufficient precision to communicate the message to the reader. The conventions of written English have been observed.

This assignment is satisfactory. It provides an adequate response to the assignment task with sufficient examples and adequate reasoning. The examples are mostly adequately referenced. The sentence structure and choice of words communicates adequately to the reader. The conventions of written English need to be observed more closely.

This assignment fails to respond appropriately to the proposed task. The responses are simplistic or incoherent and suggest some significant misunderstanding of the assignment objectives. The writing lacks appropriate structure and has a pattern of errors in word choice with poor grammatical expression. Correctly referenced examples are absent or poorly presented. More attention needs to be paid to the conventions of written English.

Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Grade
Introduction (15)
Thoroughly outlines arguments and points that are inset. Contains a brief general statement that relates to bigger issues or to the Assignment objectives, e.g. a background. This is followed by a thesis statement, which is a concise response to the assignment task,

An above average outline of arguments and points that are inset. Statement that relates to bigger issues or to the Assignment objectives, e.g. a background is present but requires minor clarity. This is followed by a thesis statement, which is an acceptable response to the assignment task but requires minor clarity

(8- 11)
A sound outline of arguments and points that are inset. Statement partially relates to bigger issues or to the Assignment objectives, e.g. a background is present but requires major editing. This is followed by a thesis statement, which is a partially acceptable response to the assignment task but requires major clarity

An average outline of arguments and points that are inset. Reader finds it difficult to relate to bigger issues or to the Assignment objectives. This is followed by an attempt at a thesis statement, which requires major revision.

Nursing Education and Nursing Workforce Development.

Question Details
PART#1In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words you will discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to Nursing Practice, Nursing Education and Nursing Workforce Development. What is the Role of State-Based Action Coalitions and How do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?
Explore the Campaign for Action webpage (you may need to research your state’s website independently if it is not active on this site): http://campaignforaction.org/states

Review your state’s progress report by locating your state and clicking on one of the six progress icons for: Education, Leadership, Practice, Interpersonal Collaboration, Diversity, and Data. You can also download a Full Progress Report for your state by clicking on the box located at the bottom of the webpage.


In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words:

1. Discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”

2. Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development.

3. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?

Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by your state’s action coalition .In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state(FLORIDA).? How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers?

A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

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Biosafety cabinets within a lab are used to work with certain types of bacteria

Biosafety cabinets within a lab are used to work with certain types of bacteria. These cabinets are equipped with a UV light that is used to sterilize the cabinet after it has been used, but many do not use this light as they say it is not effective for sterilization purposes. Why is this the case?