Submit A Summary Of Six Of Your Articles On The Discussion Board On Childhood Obesity.

Discuss Topic 1

This is a discussion post, ABOUT 250 WORDS, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, scholarly references are required for this assignment, website source strongly preferred.


Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.



Bleich, S. N., Segal, J., Wu, Y., Wilson, R., & Wang, Y. (2013). Systematic review of community-based childhood obesity prevention studies. Pediatrics, 132(1), e201-e210.

Cunningham, S. A., Kramer, M. R., & Narayan, K. V. (2014). Incidence of childhood obesity in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine, 370(5), 403-411.

Ebbeling, C. B., Pawlak, D. B., & Ludwig, D. S. (2002). Childhood obesity: public-health crisis, common sense cure. The lancet, 360(9331), 473-482.

Hales, C. M., Carroll, M. D., Fryar, C. D., & Ogden, C. L. (2017). Prevalence of obesity among adults and youth: United States, 2015-2016. US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics.

Han, J. C., Lawlor, D. A., & Kimm, S. Y. (2010). Childhood obesity. The Lancet, 375(9727), 1737-1748.

Karnik, S., & Kanekar, A. (2012). Childhood obesity: a global public health crisis. International journal of preventive medicine, 3(1), 1.

Ludwig, D. S. (2018). Epidemic Childhood Obesity: Not Yet the End of the Beginning. Pediatrics, e20174078.

Ogden, C. L., Carroll, M. D., Kit, B. K., & Flegal, K. M. (2014). Prevalence of childhood and adult obesity in the United States, 2011-2012. Jama, 311(8), 806-814.

Reilly, J. J., & Kelly, J. (2011). Long-term impact of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence on morbidity and premature mortality in adulthood: systematic review. International journal of obesity, 35(7), 891.



The main drama in the struggle of AIDS takes place in our immune system. From the moment that the body is infected by the first HIV virus, a battle of epic proportion begins in the immune system. The HIV is fighting to kill the immune system, and the immune system is fighting to kill the virus. The battle will continue for the remainder of the patient’s life. In order for you to understand this battle, you will need to know more about the immune system, which is covered in chapter 3.

Before the class next week, you should read the chapter to learn about the major components of the immune system. Te two major themes that I want to focus on are Innate Immunity and Adaptive Immunity. Each of you should read about both, but select only one of these topics to write about.

Option 1: Innate immunity innate is a general name for the non-specific immune responses that provide the body’s first and second lines of defense against invading pathogens. This part of the immune system is not damaged in AIDS, while the adaptive immunity is. It might be helpful to educate AIDS patients on the innate immune system to help them understand what is going on in their bodies, and how to make the most of it.

For this discussion, choose one example of innate immunity to focus on. Choose one aspect that was particularly interesting to you. Do some research to find out a little more about it. Here is a list of examples, but you can think of other ones as well:

a. describe one type of chemical barrier that the body puts up to keep a pathogen from penetrating the outer wall. Inder what conditions is it released? How does it work?

b. one part of the inflammatory response such as non-specific phagocytosis. Tell us how that works. You’d probably fined it helpful to watch this video: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

c. Tell us how an AIDS patient can work with his/her non-specific pathways to help them work to their optimal capacity, in light of the fact that his adaptive immune system is not working. For example, how can he work with his inflammatory response to get optimal benefit?

Option 2 – Adaptive Immunity:

In Chapter 3, we also learned about the adaptive immune response. This systems used a special class of white blood cells known as lymphocytes to attack specific target antigens that the body has seen in the past. This involves B-cells, T-helper cells and T-killer cells. It is these pathways that are disrupted in AIDS.

For this discussion, choose one example of adaptive immunity to focus on. Choose one aspect that was particularly interesting to you. Do some research to find out a little more about it. Here is a list of examples, but you can think of other ones as well:

Cell-free antibodies are large protein molecules that are released by B-cells as a part of the Humoral Response, which is one arm of the Adaptive Immune Response. There may be millions of B-cells in the body at birth, and each one has been programmed during development to produce a different unique type of antibody molecule that will recognize a single antigen in it’s lifetime. As such, our bodies have the ability to recognize almost any invading pathogen with at least one type of these antibodies. When our body recognizes a pathogen, it will begin to amplify the B-cell that makes the type of antidody that can recognize it. This will launch a whole body defense, against the pathogen.

a. Describe the primary immune response, which is what happens the first time that the body recognizes an invading pathogen. Explain what happens to the single B-cell that makes antibodies against that pathogen. How long does after infection does it take for the immune response to knock down the infection?

b. Describe the secondary immune response, which is what happens when the same invading pathogen is involved in a re-infection of the body. Since there are now thousands of dormant B-cells that recognize the antigens on the pathogen, how is the immune response enhanced? How quickly does that occur. compared to the first encounter with that pathogen?

c. Describe how a vaccine works. Which how does the vaccine replace the primary response? When the pathogen enters the body for the first time in a person who has already been vaccinated, does it encounter a primary immune response or a secondary immune response? Explain.

d. There is a second arm of the adaptive immune response known as “Cell-mediated Immunity” which is mediated by using T-cells, rather than B-cells. There two types of T-cell responses, one with the T-Helper cells and one with cytotoxic T-cells. T-Helper cells are the T-cells with the CD4 receptor on the surface, through which the HIV particles enter the cell. It is the T-Helper cells that are killed in AIDS. The second type of T-cell response is with a different type of T-cell, T-killer cells, also known as cytotoxic T cells or CD8+ cells. Here’s the question: If AIDS kills only the T-Helper cells, why are both the humoral (B-cell) and cell-mediated responses (T-cell) pathways knocked out?



ntroduction to Nursing Research

Course Description
This writing intensive course promotes the use of research findings as a basis for improving clinical practice. Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are presented. Emphasis is on the critical review of research studies and their applications to clinical practice. An overview of evidence-based practice is provided. Prerequisite: HLT-362V. NRS-433V: Introduction to Nursing Research


Advanced Nursing Practice Translation Science Project Report

Advanced Nursing Practice Translation Science Project Report

APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headings (upper and lower case, centered, boldface):

Note: Introduction – Write an introduction to a selected advanced nursing practice translation science topic, but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63).APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):


Description of selected advanced nursing practice translation of evidence into practice (both integrative and systematic review of evidence)
Presentation of selected advanced practice translation of evidence analysis with proposed management (structure-process-outcomes) for information systems change
Preparing the Advanced Nursing Practice Translation Science Project Report
The following are best practices for preparing this Advanced Nursing Practice Translation Science Project Report:

When introducing the selected advanced practice translation science topic, be sure to include pertinent background information regarding the evidence (who, what, where, when, and why).
When describing the selected translation of evidence topic, be sure to fully identify and address evidence using a synthesis (integrative review citing areas of agreement and disagreement among authors) approach for the written summary and attach an evidence table (systematic review citing leveling and grading of evidence) using the template found in Course Resources.
When presenting the selected advanced nursing practice translation of evidence analysis, be sure to fully address proposed management (structure-process-outcomes) for information systems change and the informatics role of the DNP-prepared nurse in evaluation and sustainability.
Advanced Nursing Practice Translation Science Project Report Directions and Grading Criteria
Category Points % Description
Introduction to selected advanced nursing practice translation science topic 20 8 Introduces the selected advanced nursing practice translation science topic and includes pertinent background information regarding the evidence (who, what, where, when, and why).
Description of selected advanced nursing practice translation of evidence topic 100 40 Identifies and addresses all aspects of selected evidence using a synthesis (integrative review citing areas of agreement and disagreement among authors) approach for the written summary and attach an evidence table (systematic review citing leveling and grading of evidence) using the template found in Course Resources.
Presentation of selected advanced practice translation of evidence analysis 100 40 Addresses proposed management (structure-process-outcomes) for information systems change and the informatics role of the DNP in evaluation and sustainability. Uses examples from current evidence that support assertions and relevant examples from advanced practice.
Conclusion 10 4 An effective conclusion identifies the main ideas and major conclusions from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the translation science project to advanced practice nursing information systems change.
Clarity of writing 15 6 Use of standard English grammar and sentence structure. No spelling errors or typographical errors. Organized around the required components using appropriate headers.
APA format 5 2 All information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be appropriately cited in the report (including citation of interview) and listed in the references using APA (6th ed.) format:
1. Document setup

2. Title and reference pages

3. Citations in the text and references.

Total: 250 100 A quality report will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Choose A Theory That Finds Practical Application In Critical

Choose a theory that finds practical application in critical care/pediatric/psychiatric nursing and discuss the origins of the theory based on the following criteria:
• How did the happenings of the nursing profession impact the origin of this theory?
• What values, evidence, or existing knowledge did the theorist cite to support the theory?
• What was the theorist’s motivation behind writing the theory?

Psychology( operant or respondent conditioning?)

For the example below, decide if the behavior in question was acquired through operant or classical conditioning. If you decide the behavior is operant, identify the Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence below. If you decide the behavior is respondent, identify the previously Neutral (now Conditioned) Stimulus, the Unconditioned Stimulus, and the Unconditioned ( now Conditioned) Response.
1. Last year Julie was in a terrible car accident. Just before the cars collided, the brakes and the tires on the car squealed. Even a year later, Julie cringes and breaks into a sweat at the sound of squealing brakes and tires..
Is this an example of operant or respondent conditioning?

Plan, Design an Authentic Assessment tool Suitable for Nursing Students/ Nurses in Educational Context.

This assignment has been designed with the following principles in mind:
• Assessment should be used to engender learning as well as determine what has been learnt. • Adults are motivated to learn when they can see that the learning is useful and can be applied in context. • Assessment processes, where possible should enable students to benefit from the learning of others. • Assessment should be authentic. • Assessment processes, where possible should allow for choice and flexibility.
This assignment requires you to plan, design an authentic assessment tool suitable for nursing students/ nurses in educational context. You are required to:
• identify a group of learners and a learning program/course (100-150 words), although this will not receive a mark and not be counted in the word count it is required to set the scene for the other elements of the assignment.
• provide a list of students requirements (eg: are students required to bring special equipment, have prepared samples, bring books…)
• provide details of conditions under which students are to be assessed (eg: time, place, open book or closed book, formative or summative….)
• provide instructions to the examiner (written instructions to the examiner should include all details necessary to enable the assessment procedure/process to be conducted in a manner that ensures fairness to all students)
• provide criteria sheet or rubric used to determine grading ( you will need to include sufficient details, including instructions such that markers can be guided consistently in the determination of grades/marks….)
• develop an educational justification for the authentic assessment tool that you have developed. You will be required to use relevant and current literature to justify the authenticity of the tool as well as demonstrate with the use of examples how the tool enhances outcomes for students. (1200-1500 words).
Please Note: The Assessment instrument does not form part of the word limit for this assignment.

Facility Planning-Nursing home

Health care facilities are unique and have clearly defined characteristics based on the

needs of the facility or population being served. Poor design may lead to staff, visitor,

or patient stress. In large facilities, inability to find a department may lead to

frustrations and disorientation for older patients. Poor layout may also lead to staff

inefficiencies or fines because of failure to meet regulatory requirements.

Complete a floor plan of the facility that you selected in Week One. Indicate if this will

be a new facility or the renovation of an existing structure. If it is a new or existing

structure, also explain why the renovation or new facility is needed.

Open the template you chose from week one in MedSpace Designer. From that point, you will

be able to modify the template and add the information listed below.

Using your MedSpace Designer template, focus on the following environmental design

• The health care structure such as walls, doors, hallways, waiting areas, and related

structural components
• Diagnostic and treatment space equipment and location
• Customer service and amenities, such as the reception desk, bathroom, shower, vending

machine, and so forth
• Clinical support areas, such as nurse’s station, charting areas, and so forth
• Physician or dentist office space for patient consultation
• Administrative offices
• Building support, such as laundry, generator facilities, housekeeping, and so forth
• Mechanical equipment, such as space for laboratory equipment, radiology equipment, gases

such as oxygen, and suctions
• Color and noise elements
• Regulatory elements such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration and ADA

• Other elements such as IT or creative healing environmental ideas

Save your design once it is completed.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary that includes the following information:

• Reason you selected the floor plan you designed
• Any recommendations or suggestions for completing your floor plan differently—what would

you do differently next time?
• Something that you learned from doing this process and completing your own floor plan
• URL for your completed floor plan

This course project provides you with the opportunity to develop an expanded knowledge base regarding a specific mental illness/psychological disorder and increase your expertise in diagnostic skill.

Course Project Task I

Topic Selection

This course project provides you with the opportunity to develop an expanded knowledge base regarding a specific mental illness/psychological disorder and increase your expertise in diagnostic skill.

For this module, review diagnostic categories and select a specific mental illness/psychological disorder to research and apply to the sport psychology setting.

Spend some time reviewing the DSM and Abnormal psychology text to skim through the diagnostic categories for a specific mental illness/psychological disorder that interests you. You are encouraged to choose a mental illness/psychological disorder that you want to learn more about rather than one you are very familiar with. To synthesize and integrate your learning in a more comprehensive manner, you may want to consider a selection that is based on your professional or personal experiences so that it is personally meaningful to you.


Next, write a brief description (250–300 words) of the mental illness/psychological disorder that you have chosen to study in Microsoft Word document format.

Provide rationales for choosing the mental illness/psychological disorder.

Name your file SP6005_M1_A3_lastname_firstinitial.doc. By the due date assigned, submit it to the Submissions Area for facilitator’s approval.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Coherently and succinctly described the mental illness/psychological disorder you have selected, explaining how it is relevant to sport psychology.


Provided reasons for choice.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.




Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved.

I need 4 clear and quality references for each topic so a total of 8 references. These references need to be current and website based with an author who is current (2008-2018). I need to be able to go to a website and see that actual work. No google books or Wiki. I need media articles to references and see. Please understand this requirement. Also this needs to follow APA style and be in 12 Times. Also I just need the document in a clear well written single spaced. I will do the editing no need to send cover page or double space. I will do that through my review. Thank you and see the topics below that need addressed. “Workplace Monitoring” Please respond to the following: Workplace monitoring is a topic that many people have very different opinions about, as it affects workplace productivity, privacy, human resource management, and other issues. Describe some of the common computer- or network-related activity areas that companies monitor, and the legal or privacy issues associated with that monitoring. Choose the computer or network-related activity that you believe is most challenging to monitor from an employer perspective, and describe why. “The Rule-Making Process” Please respond to the following: Describe the rule-making process, how agencies become involved in the rule-making process, and how other people can become involved in the rule-making process. Determine if you believe that this rule-making process is effective or if it takes too long to implement new rules and regulations. Discuss whether or not this strengthens the American Legal System.

I need 4 clear and quality references for each topic 8 total references.

These references need to be current and website based with an author who is current (2008-2018). I need to be able to go to a website and see that actual work.

No google books or Wiki. I need media articles to references and see. Please understand this requirement.

Also this needs to follow APA style and be in 12 Times.

Also I just need the document in a clear well written single spaced. I will do the editing no need to send cover page or double space. I will do that through my review.

Thank you and see the topics below that need addressed.

“Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Protection” Please respond to the following:

Select a type of organization (such as Financial or Health Care) and describe the legal ramifications of providing the security goals of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Include the challenges of providing these security goals.
Select two different types of organizations (such as Financial or Health Care) and describe the similarities and differences with the types of computer and networking security protection, and security controls needed within the organization.
“Social Engineering and Social Media” Please respond to the following:

Describe the threats and vulnerabilities of social engineering and social media; include how they are similar and how they are different.

Describe the control measures that organizations and individuals need to implement to minimize the vulnerabilities associated with social engineering and social media.